Got a call to finish a basement . Went to look at the job and it was apparant tha this house had some moisture issues. H.O. says that he just had his gutters fixed and thinks maybe that was the problem.
House is circa 1977 with block walls and no sign of external drains or waterproofing. Called in a” foundation” man to give us a fix.
He suggest cuting and removing 18” wide peremeter all the way around the inside of the basement and filling with gravel draining to the outside. I know this will get rid of the water but how bout moisture.
Anyone have any experience with this. This fix was almost half price of putting the traditional drain on the outside and waterproffing. Contractor says it will work.
What say ye?
Depends on how the soil perks, where the water table is, how good a "drain to daylight" can be established.
If it were tiled and led to a sump pump it would likely prevent any serious flooding, but there's still likelihood of infiltration in some spots during extremely wet periods, especially near the corners.