Hi folks, new to the forum, although I have been reading the magazine for a few yers now. And by way of background I am not a pro, but definitely a very experienced DIY’er.
So here’s my question; I am demo’ing a bath and in taking down the sheetrock noted that the builder used the green moisture resistant stuff on the walls but that the ceiling is regular drywall.
I could have been cynical and just assumed they were cutting corners but it occurred to me that there might be a good reason for this. The two possibilities seem to be that either the ceiling does not require the moisture protection or that the green drywall is not suitable for a ceiling application. The price difference is negligible (maybe $5 for this bathroom) so that is not the issue – I don’t want to put up what I think might be better material on the ceiling and then find out that it is not appropriate.
Any insights are welcome,
In a bathroom I've always used green board even on the ceiling except behind tile in the tub or shower areas. That is always cement board.
Thanks for the quick responses (although I might need a third for a tie breaker)
If you want to use all greenboard and be totally sure, then run strapping at 12"OC on the ceiling framing.Otherwise, paint with a VB type paint.
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I frame at 16" OC and use green on bath ceilings, but the greenboard is not as stable as regular so it has more tendency to sag on ceilings, especially when framed at 24"OC, so most do not use the greenboard on ceilings.
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Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
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1/2" greenboard is not recommended for 16" spans, but the regular drywall is fine. It's probably because it's heavier, the manufacturers are concerned that it may sag.
Check it out on the USG website. Here's a link to a PDF with installation instructions. Page 3, Item 2 is of particular interest.
Seems like we posted at the same time - I went to the USG site before posting here but was unable to find the info I was looking for - I'll definitely look at that link
Edited 9/26/2007 6:35 pm ET by 2078TM