Hi all,
I usually hang out over in knots but I was hoping one of you guys might have a solution for my plumbing problem.
In our master bath the toilet has never flushed well, that is it does not void the bowl of stuff. I noticed recently that at times the lav will kinda back up also and will drain after a few good size air bubbles have come to the surface…
Lately, I have noticed the toilet flushes well only after a shower has been taken in the same bathroom.
I’m beginning to think that perhaps air is being trapped somehow and that is what is impacting both the lav and toilet….and that maybe the volume if the shower breaks that air barrier somehow at least for a short while. Does that make any sense?..any other thoughts? Thanks
Is the vent pipe properly located and sized for this bathroom?
(that might be a bit tough to check out after the walls are closed in, but a plummer ought to be able to confirm it all for you if you are not able to do so)
Is the vent stack partially blocked by something?
(a bird's nest, or something stuck part way down - this can be also checked out and cleared by a plummer is you're not shure how)
Hope this helps,
Thanks, at least that gives me something to check out. The house is about 15 years old and SWMBO said it did not happen when we first moved in about 7 years ago. The birds nest or leaves could be a culprit. Thanks
My first guess was to check for proper fall of the waste line. Too much fall and water leaves quickly leaving solids behind. Too little and noting can leave. Either way after time the pipes could get a little cruddy exacerbating the problem. When a shower is taken that's enough consistent water to take any solids away making things work easier.
Also are you on a septic? When toilet problems started at our house that's when we discovered septic problems.
Scott R.
We are on sewers and the pipes are in the wall so I can't check the slope. The question I keep asking myself is how and where is the air comming from that is bubling back up in the sink? Assuming there is a P trap or S trap, then it would seem that some how as the water begins to flow from the lav down the pipe...it is traping air between the standing water in the trap and the water flowing down...kinda like when you eat your food too fast. The air that comes back up is fairly large..not little bubles. What I'm describing, however, does not make sense...how could air get trapped ?...
I'm thinking maybe someone used a 'T' where they should have used a 'Y'...or maybe as was suggested earlier, maybe he waste vent is blocked and causing an air trap that way...
Kinda of an interesing mystery...
One other point...all the Bathrooms (2 1/2) and kitchen pretty much line up..can't be more than a 3-4 foot run to the vent stack for any of the waste lines
Edited 3/6/2003 4:34:02 PM ET by BG
The main key I'm making assumptions on is that you say everything seems to work well after a shower is taken.
It's really tough to diagnose a problem without examining it first hand. But the first thing I would check is to make sure all lines including vent, like Norm indicated, are clear. The best way to do this is during a peak problem period by a plumber that will run an optic scope through the system. That procedure can get a wee bit pricey but it's a lot cheaper than the alternative if the system should completely fail.
Good luck, it certianly is a head scratcher.
Scott R.
If the toilet gurgles (sucking air) then the vent pipe is probably clogged. Sometimes it happens in the winter because the vent pipe frosts up and clogs. The vent goes out the roof of course. Lots of options:
You can snake the toilet.
You can snake down the vent pipe from the roof.
You can snake from a cleanout up.
You can get some drain cleaner to clean out the hair, soap scum, toenails, etc. in the pipe.
Or you can call the plumber and have him do it. It'll cost a bit but they have better ways of directing a snake and will be able to sniff out the clog location better than most of us.
PS. Water is good for a sewer system. It flushes out the accumulation. If you are stingey or conservative minded with your use of water that might be part of the issue. Just think how hard it is to rinse the razor leavings from your bathroom sink in the morning. It takes some mechanical effort to get them not to plate out on the surface of the sink. If you have minimal water flow this tends to build up.