Good Day,
Years ago I worked with a fellow who had a 8 1/4 Skil worm drive with a “Big Foot”, it was a conversion kit with new base and blade guard so you could run 10″ blades in saw. I think it was manufactured in WA. Any-one out there got, used one, are they still being made or was there some terrible outcome like that Australian chain-saw toothed thing for carving that mounted on an angle grinder?
so long from the Kootenays, gtw
Hey Kootenays, Vancouver here, (New Westminster, actually). I need one too ,here's hoping.
*amazon/tool crib has em.
*Go to (www.bigfootsaws.com) if you want one of these. They are great fot cutting beams and 3x12 stair jacks and treads. Bob
*Does that thing try to kick back? I use a reg. 10" saw occasionally, have to really keep a firm grip.
*r ignacki-No there is no kickback. Too much blade inertia I guess.Cuts thru 3x12 like butter.I don't think you can buy the kit alone.I think you have to buy the saw and blade kit together. Bob
*I've got one. It does what it says it does. Bought mine with the saw at a local saw shop.You can buy the kit alone and use your own saw. It doesn't have to be an 8 1/4" saw. Mine's on a Skil 77. Great tool when you need it.One man questioned how square it was, but I put a square on the table and it checked out good. Must have been the sawyer.Use a rather agressive blade with it. No more than a 32 tooth. The finer blades seem to drag a bit.Ed.
*GACC, and all,TNX for the lines, the kit is what I'me after, need to rip 3" slabs, D'Fir, P'pine, Willow etc , just regular Kootenay stuff'so long from the Kootenays, gtw
Good Day,
Years ago I worked with a fellow who had a 8 1/4 Skil worm drive with a "Big Foot", it was a conversion kit with new base and blade guard so you could run 10" blades in saw. I think it was manufactured in WA. Any-one out there got, used one, are they still being made or was there some terrible outcome like that Australian chain-saw toothed thing for carving that mounted on an angle grinder?
so long from the Kootenays, gtw