Anyone have any suggestions on something that will bond plastic well to ceramic? It’s in a location that’s hard to brace so I need something that sets up quickly, although I can go back and put down a bead of adhesive after it’s in position. Basically it’s a trim sort of item so load isn’t really an issue. I tried a hot glue gun but it didn’t stick well to the tile… Thanks for any suggestions!
I've used an oddball technique i may have invented...
Contact cement will grab and hold the trim, while epoxy will adhere the pieces together with lots more strength. Hold the trim up and mark spots ever foot or so for placing a dab of contact cement on both sides, then mix up the epoxy, spread it on the trim back side avoiding the little contact cements areas, and see if you can't talk someone into helping you get it up and into registration. By the time you've got the epoxy spread the CC should be dry enough to bond.
You can do some damage trying to reposition it once it's grabbed, so be extra careful if you try this.
I'm hoping to do something similar. I like your idea, but I don't think it will work in this case. I'm hoping that maybe there's another hot glue I can use to tack it into position, and then spread a bead of something like DAP adhesive/sealer once it's firmly in place. Thanks for the reply!
Edited 8/19/2004 5:56 pm ET by PaulB
Silicone bathtub caulk is the thing to use, though you'll need to hold it in place (where is that duct tape??) until it sets.
Be sure to clean both surfaces with rubbing alcohol first.
Note, though, that there are some plastics that vitually nothing will adhere to. In that case sticky tape might be the best bet.
(In fact, mirror mount tape may be another valid option.)
Abraide (bust the glaze) on the tile... Tub and tile adhesive...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming....
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Do you know what kind of plastic it is? PL Premium Polyurethane adhesive does well with some plastics and is totally useless with others. If your stuff works with it, I would use it.
I would rough up the back side of the plastic with 80 grit and drill little holes in the tile grout for the adhesive to dowel into. The stuff expands so some sort of even pressure should be applied to counteract the effect while setting up.
The big problem is that I need something that can tack it in place, once it's tacked adhering it shouldn't be a problem... I'm gonna see about a good quality glue gun, apparently they have some adhesives that are supposed to do this well.
I have seen in several catalogs that there is a hot melt glue system that uses polyurethane of different kinds. Woodworkers Supply carries the stuff. Maybe that is what you hanker for.
I had the 3Mversion of one of those.. The heaters (China made) were junk...
Made 3M take it back after the 4 th heat gave it up in only 2 months...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming.... WOW!!! What a Ride!
What's wrong with just taping it in place until the adhesive sets?
The location of these pieces don't work well for taping in place (I've tried a few times). I think I'm gonna go look for a polyurethane hot glue stick, let you know how it works. Thanks for the input!
You might try double-stick tape in conjunction with another adhesive, then.