The management company that owns my office building has been doing a lot of renovations recently, so various contractors have been crawling all over each other to get their work done while the weather is still mild.
I just snapped this photo from my office window…crossing booms like this doesn’t seem like the best idea in the world to me.
Edited 12/28/2006 3:44 pm by Stuart
as long as Newton was right, that two objects can't occupy a same space at the same time..or as Duane says, it is awesome when there is a near perfect absolution of mass in motion converging on a singular plane..all is good.
In the Euclidian Geometry of force x mass in t' 10..all is well, factor in friction and consumate weight of the objects (=x/OO) and nothing is safe.
Ok, I read too much into it..(G)
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I have irriatable Vowel syndrome.
OK Duane, I'm a college educated math-0-matician but you lost me somewhere in that Euclidian Geometry!
I'm going to assume I missed that day!
Hell Doug, I don't have a keystroke to exemplify the eqations..LOL.
Really..I don't.
Fractals, chaos..precludes your inception, unless you of course, speak in non-sense, like math.
I am INTO it just now, I have a regleaning of the harmonics that only exhibit them selves in a plucked string attached to a springy pc. of spruce, they orbit ( the resonances) in a sphereical pattern, the most effiecient container of energy, with the least amount of surface...
Contain that in a bubble, and you just got me in a nut shell.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I have irriatable Vowel syndrome.
I dont understand abstract mathamatics, I have to see it to understand it!
looks like the guy with the smaller lift (orange) could move a little closer to the building?
Nothing to my knowledge makes it a safety violation. Ever see to bucket trucks working on a power line? I have seen what you were looking at many, many times, only there is trafic on the street below and live wires overhead. As long as both operators know what each other is doing it can be as safe or as dangerous as any crew.
Now take a picture of the guys in the lift. Do they have all their safety gear on, including fall arrest gear? OSHA won't fine them for crossing booms, but if they miss any of the PPE's they gonna get socked.
If you have ever been up in one your safety sense becomes alittle more focused.
I once was using a lift to replace glass up 7 stories. Was amazed at the little old lady that moved my orange cones and yellow danger tape without ever looking up.... she couldn't walk her toy poodle in his favorite pooping grounds. Typically I don't scream at old people... she was an exception.
I hear that. When we scaffolded and climbed the Court House in LEX, these funky folks insisted on moving the DANGER tape or just passed it by? WTF ? is wrong w/that?
We also had our Workcomp. insurer in the skydom building across the main arterie come asking questions..that bastid delevated 24 floors and ventured out to the street, to inquire about our ins. coverage.
I was mostly on the ground with a bad ankle and worse chicken guts, but that clock hand needed my woodworking been up there since ....1940 at least..( I am being kind, it was closer to 1900?)..........I think like this.."that which don't kill me, don't kill me, nuffness saidness."
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I have irriatable Vowel syndrome.
you could drop a tool, or a bucket of water
Probably not a thing addressed in OSHA, other than general Conditions for a Safe Site. They do however need a Safety lookout on the ground I believe.
My job?
I would be down there talking to the crews about just how else it could be approached and ensuring they all had hard hats , tie offs etc.. Then I would stand there and watch .
There is a reason I am called a PITR Super.
Like others have said, I don't think it's an OSHA violation to have two booms cross each other. It would probably be different if the upper one was a crane or telehandler extending a load over the blue lift's boom.
That being said, I would be concerned if a large straight truck (van body) went down that driveway. I dont see any barricades or anything to keep traffic away from the lift that is extended over a travel lane. Not such a good idea but probably not illegal per se.
Yup, no barriers or cones, plus they were right in front of the building entry so there were people wandering in and out underneath them. These guys were wearing harnesses but no hard hats.
I once framed a clean room for GPS satalite assembly that was 150' x 150' x 60 high.
One day I counted the JLG's. There were 19 in use, all tangled up.
This was a Lockheed job and the safety factor was as high as I have seen.
Unfortunately as the job was nearing completion a welder cutting a hole in the roof started the insulation on fire and the whole place was wasted. Saw it on CNN after work. I actually changed companies because I didn't want to do it all over.
Sorry for rambling.
Trust in God, but row away from the rocks.