Breakthrough concept — Breakfast booth with a view!

I see so many kitchens and even articles about kitchens that miss a great opportunity to provide a bright kitchen table with a view. For a kitchen with any kind of a nice view of the yard being able to sit at the kitchen table and look out the window makes for many enjoyable meals.
Just put a rectangular table up against a large kitchen window that starts at table height and goes up as high as looks good. Put booth seats on either side or if preferred regular kitchen chairs. Maybe put a bird feeder in the yard for endless entertainment. A A good table size is 30″ w60″. The window can be about as wide as the table or bigger.
The big window will provide lots of light for the room. Much better to put the sink in an island than to let it hog the view.
The house I grew up in had a kitchen counter facing such a window. My dad built it by hand (no power tools in those days) before the family moved into the house. We enjoyed the view for years. I recommended the concept to my daughter and she had a booth built. Her family loves it.
Craig Wellman
I agree that the view should be considered on how we use it, rather than put the windows with thoughts to the outside-to hell with what happens in the dwelling.
However, a window the size of the width of the window is too limiting-you sit to either side of the table. I'd hate to miss what my partners see on the other side of the table.
We did a pretty good job of combining the look from the outside, with the looking from the inside. Makes a world of difference as does the siting of the house.