I want to post a thank you to everybody who has been contributing to this forum. I’ve just looked back at the reader surveys that we receive for each issue (questionnaires sent to pros/non-pros asking feedback), and so far over the last 6 issues for which we have results, Breaktime has ranked among the other departments as follows:
Department Rankings:
165: 10th (last place)
166: 10th
167: 7th
168: 4th
169: 3rd
170: 2nd!! (In this issue Breaktime beat out Q&A, second only to Tips & Techinques- which is almost always in first place).
Again, thanks for everybody contributing great information to this forum. You make my job much easier because I don’t have to hunt and peck for engaging topics when it comes time for me to submit content for each issue. Spread the word and keep up the good work!
Justin Fink – FHB Editorial
it's just Pete stuffing the ballot box again...
somebody stole my reader survey, I never got one.
When do I get my check?
It's like I keep on telling you guys...I mailed the check out last week, I'm not sure why it hasn't arrived yet :)
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Yahhhh, that's it! It was sent in the free hat's brim right?!"If 'tis to be,'twil be done by me."
Where do the articles rate? #173 is the first in a long time with articles that interested me. Most of tips and techniques are repeats.
Don't know if it's obvious to you, but the increase in rank correlates strongly to Golden Wrecked Angle's lessening involvement in Breaktime. Where is Kevin...I need him to come back and read this...
Justin, can you share what conclusions the editorial dept. is coming to with respect to content and presentation?