Customer, an 80 year old lady, has cabinets custom made in 1960 (the cabinet maker is deceased). Still look like new, but the hinges no longer pull or hold the doors closed. The doors have a slot cut into the edge kind of like for a biscuit, but here the “biscuit” is a metal plate with a threaded hole. So one screw holds the hinge to the door. A similar setup on the cab frame.
Any idea where I might find such a hinge? If I explained it poorly, I’ll gladly answer any question about it.
When I removed a hinge to check out the situation, there was no difference in color between the exposed wood and the wood that had been under the hinge! Forty years old!
Rich Beckman
Rich - what you describe sounds like "double demountable" hinges. They were very popular before European hinges took over the market. Also available were "single demountable" - where you fastened to the faceframe with screws, but the door plate was still slotted into the door. Ask at your hardware dealer, or I have quite a few, of various overlays, maybe I have what you need. How much do the doors overlay the faceframe? Do they completely overlay, or is there an edge detail of some type? How many do you need?
*Hmmm...If I have the terminology correct, the door completely overlays the face frame (sits on the frame, not in the openning). When the door is closed the only part of the hinge you see is the barrel. When the door is open you see the plate from the hinge on the door with a single screw in it, and you see the plate on the edge of the frame with (I believe) a single screw in it. (So iti looksjust like hinges at Lowes except for the number of screws)When you remove the screws and lift off the hinge it reveals a hole to the metal plates that are in the slots. The hinge is actually three pieces, not counting the screws. (Now looking nothing like the hinges at Lowes).I think the number needed is twenty four.Rich Beckman
*Are the edges of the doors square on the back, or do they have an ogee? If you hook your tape on the inside of the faceframe, with the door closed, what do you read on your tape - 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8"? (This measurement is called the "overlay".) I probably have what you need Rich. Can you mail me one, to be sure?
*Champ,I'll be back at her house on Tuesday. I'll see.Thanks.Rich Beckman
*Rich,Do they look like this? This is a very old set of cabinets I took out of an old homestead.If ya think they do, I'll take a better, more detailed picture for ya.I have some, and you are welcome to them.near the ditch...James "Loving Life" Duhamel
*James,Thanks for the effort. But no, that doesn't look anything at all like them.Rich Beckman
*Did you find some locally, Rich?