Can a hairline Vikrell crack be repaird?
I installed a Vikrell shower wall kit for a customer today. Drywalled around it and began doing the DW finishing. Washed the walls down and there it was. A crack. The crack is on the back wall panel. The panel wraps around the back sidewall about 7 inches to mate to the side wall panel. THe back wall panel has a molded shelf that runs the whole length until it runs into the 7″ part that wraps around to the sidewall. It is at that junction of the shelf where it meets the 7″ side wall part, the upper part, where the crack is.
It’s a hairlline crack about 1/64″ wide and 1.5″ long. Water will most certainly get in there and drip down to the floor.
I have a very picky homeowner here who has yet to notice the crack after looking at the installed unit himself several times. It’s just barely noticable but bar none this guy will see it and then come after me probably, saying I did it (and I don’t believe we did) and make me responsible for it.
Can Vikrell cracks like this be repaired and somehow blended in to be invisible and keep water out?
Contact Sterling. If it can be repaired that will have recommendation of people that they use for waranty work. In fact this might be covered.
If you got it from a plumbing distributor and not Lowes ask the distributor.
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe