Can I put pavers on an elavated “deck”?

I have a deck/porch that extends over a patio and a screened in porch.It’s framed on diamond with 2×12’s and bridging.The builder covered the section over the patio with pressure treated T&G 1×4’s (I had requested a porch that would not leak on the patio below)He covered the section over the screened in porch with 3/4 4×8 T&G substrate topped with an adhesive backed rubber membrane.He then face nailed treated T&G 1×4’s on top of that. Quess What??……. IT LEAKS !
If I demo. everything but the framing can I put Tile or Pavers down in it’s place?If so ,what’s the best method and materials?
Let me see if I understand what you are asking. You have a deck framework that people have access to under and you want to put pavers down on the upper deck surface? I don't think so. Have you researched the weight of pavers/sq ft?
O.K.,my fault.I,m not talking about the kind of Paver you use on your driveway.I,m asking if there's something thinner that would work?And your right ,I do need to research weight factors.
Might think of using rubber pavers -- soft on your feet, reasonably good to the environment, extremely light weight (when compared to concrete masonry), and nowadays, they come in many colors:
While I don't recommend any one of these mfrs particularly, I'm sure they are basically the same. Just check the specs and color selections. Google will be your friend here.
j"It depends on the situation..."
Here's a start for your search:
I refuse to accept that there are limitations to what we can accomplish. Pete (I am so in love with myself) Draganic
Thanks for the memory jog.I forgot about "Ditra".Schluter's web site should be very helpful.
This is what I have done...
But someone recently posted information about this:
If your framing is strong enough and you have enough height you can do what's done here in the northeast in some new construction for roof top patios.
Some kind of sub roof followed by EBDM. Then a layer of foam insulation that also acts as a cushion or pad. Then concrete blocks that are about 16" square and 2" to 4" thick. Some kind of frame around the perimeter to hold onto the deck and allow water to drain.
If there is a leak it's easy to remove a few blocks and deal with it. Also, if someone knocks over the BBQ you haven't set the house on fire.
The obvious negative is it's a lot of weight that the roof has to hold.
Yes you can put "pavers" on an elevated deck.
Here is a couple pictures of a deck that although not pavers, is a stone product that is just as heavy as any paver. These stones(concrete to look like stone) sit on a track system that does not have to be nailed to the deck, which in this case is the rubber(don't know the real name for the stuff, would have to look, but is the same stuff used on flat roofs, which this is!
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Edited 2/10/2008 8:31 pm ET by DougU