Can you believe someone would use Liquid Nails to glue oak backsplash to the sheetrock in addition to nailing it to the studs?
Putting in a new kitchen; a small kitchen; no big deal eh? But the “expert installer” not only nailed the backsplash, but used LN to glue it. So a small quick job turns longer while we go through the time delay to repair the sheetrock.
I just thought I’d vent my frustration at a little job made longer by this dodo.
Fred - maybe they tried to just glue it there but ended up having to nail it to get it to "follow" the wall? Will laquer thinner disolve dried construction adhesive? - jb
*I use construction adhesive and nails all the time to attach moldings and trim. If some unwritten rule says that I'm supposed to accommodate some person who may be removing it later, maybe I should be required to use screws instead. Yeah, let's apply this principle everywhere. Only screws allowed in framing, also, as we might wish to move a wall or add on an addition later -- who knows? Bricks should be mortared with polyurethane caulk so later removal is also easier. I could think of hundreds of changes to make sure that I might never be branded a dodo in the future.Virtually nothing dissolves dried construction adhesive. Better to rip out and replace the wallboard.
*Stevo--dude wida 'tude. Actually, there is in wooden boatbuilding, the philosophy of building not only with elegance in mind but also ease of repair. So, there are some who are "considerate" of the next guy.Fred, through their work, I have too, unfortunately, met a few dodos. This too shall pass.
*Been at this for almost 26 years now, used to do kitchens exclusively.You will find all kinds of crap like this when remodeling a kitchen (or any other room for that matter).I've always operated under the assumption that if you're good enough at your work, you'll probably be around long enough to come back and remodel it again (or at least be called back for minor re-do's and maintenance).Under that philosophy, I've always made sure when I install something (especially kitchens, baths and assorted cabinetry) that I can remove it later without beating the hell out of everything.It just takes some thought and planning, and if you're around in 10 - 20 years, you'll be damn glad you used your head.
*"Dude wida 'tude" -- like that. Just a thought..went to the best lumber supplier in town for base and wainscot cap moldings and couldn't find one piece that wouldn't make a snow boarder dream of winter moguls. Wasn't always so. Nails sixteen on center sometimes won't get this stuff tamed. Yeah, I'm for lynching the "dodo" who glues the countertop to the base cabinets, but sometimes there isn't an option in other areas.I imagine that the boat builders are able to get better quality wood.
*Well, Steve, sorry if I offended you. But, now you're talking about the quality of material, whereas before the discussion was about the quality of workmanship. And we all know that a poor grade of material does not constitute a valid reason for less skill.Everytime--it's like fun detective work--I go in to do a remodel, I look closely at how things were put together. Sometimes, I can even figure out why. Other times, I only can shake my head at the seeming idiocy of the previous worker.Far be it for me to proffer a defense for the inept. More than hope, I take pains to assure I am not branded as a dodo.
*Not to steal Fred's fire here, but I've been stewing over this since I heard it this morning.The National Safety Foundation, in conjunction with the federal EPA has produced a radio spot called the "Environmental Minute". Today's was about the VOCs released into the atmosphere by--CAN YOU BELIEVE?--cut grass!!! So, as far as they can tell, we have acetone, formaldehyde, and others rushing into our lungs when we cut the lawn or harvest the crop.Ususally, pollutant discharge is measured in tonnage, but today they measured in pounds--to make it sound big--when saying there are 1.5 million lbs discharged annually. Think about it, the feds are up in arms over this. Their scientists are concerned about the health risks. Yada yada yada.Give me a break. This is more than ludicrous, more than ridiculous, more than absurd...it's, it's...I'll tell you what it is, it's asinine. Our taxes are going for this? It would be laughable but for our money is funding this "important endeavour".
*Rich. . . and you're the country with all the $$$. Cripes, how many starving millions could you feed for the price tag of one of those idiot helicopters that they sent over to Bosnia and then were afraid to use because they were too easy to shoot down with hand held rocket launchers. . . what a collosal F**kin joke!!!!only in the usa-pm