I looked at a house a while back that had masonite siding, probably 10 – 15 years old. the homeowner wanted to see if I could re-caulk some of the but joints, which were starting to swell, between the siding lapboards.
they had tried in the past summer to do this with laytex caulk, but it was already peeling back off of the siding.
Of course I explained to them that the best thing to do with anything bearing the “masonite” name is to replace it with something else…anything else, but they are looking for an economical solution to get them by for a few more years.
PL is usually my brand of choice for exterior caulking, but does anyone know of anything better for old masonite. It’s probably a lost cause, but thought I’d ask.
Hesitantly, i recommend a product called Big Stretch. I've used it for years here in the southwest corner of Idaho. I'm in a moderate, low-humidity climate. I've used it on cement siding as well, with excellent results. It stretches, doesn't come apart. I said hesitantly because about a year ago, I recommended the product here and some old boy in So.Cal used it with less than good results, according to him. I don't know why he had problems, whether the siding was prepped properly or if his climate caused failure, but it has never let me down. It is a latex, silicone caulking.