As a stubborn Apple adherent (hey, they cleared 50 yesterday) I wondered why I couldn’t find a decent cheap CAD program. I don’t care about 3D particularly (though it would be nice!). I tried TurboCAD and returned it ASAP.
Well, long story short, try Lemke Software for a demo copy of CADintosh. It seems quite capable and supports libraries, which would be very handy for drafting. A fully capable version costs 60 DM — with the Euro’s new low, that’s about $31 USD.
And hey, I’d sure like to see more samples of your work.
What didn't you like about Tubo Cad?
*Go Apple!They have been upgraded by one analyst from "buy" to "long term" something or other with target price of 75 in the next year. Wish I had bought a bunch at 13.So Andrew, how come not interested in 3D? What do you use your CAD efforts for? Working drawings for yourself? Floorplans for clients? Elevations?In the time it would take to do it in 2D you can do it in 3D and get full-blowm virtual models. Yes the software is mucho more bucks, but worth it in my opinion. You've got much more machine at your fingertips than just an electronic drafting board. Why settle for static 2D?Here's another example. I'm getting quicker. I've got 8 hours in this one. But I had measured drawings to work from when inputting it.Steve
*AutoDesk no longer supports the Mac platform but there is Release 12 (the last version for the Mac) floating around you could pick up cheap. Just a thought ......
*I wasn't wild about TurboCAD because it was the kind of program you had to actually understand to use (Mac users hate that) and had a very specialized interface that was hard to learn and easy to forget. If you used it a lot it wouldn't be a problem I guess.3D is neat but I'm really used to working with 2D images like the attachment shows, and I still think in 2D. I spent a couple of years doing 2D image analysis. I think of 3D as neat-o but am too cheap to pay for it. I sure have enough computing power here to do it now -- equivalent to a Cray of the mid-80's! -- and eventually I will.I totally agree that a nice drafting tool is powerful for visualization and presentation. I've just done simple plans at this point -- have to find more people who want me to spend their money. I'm eager to learn more!