I’m sort of a new user of Chief. I just finished a set of construction drawings for an addition. I decided to post the plans so that some of those out there that are thinking about it might get an idea of how far a guy can go starting from zero.
I’m not able to do tutorials, but I’ve done a few. I did one hour of one on one training but it probably was too soon. I’d benefit far more now if I did another session.
Anyway, feel free to offer constructive (or just plain old mean spirited) criticism. I’m still going to whip out a couple of variations on the rear elevation showing some high windows but generally, there wasn’t much design choices….we are matching the existing roof and finishes.
I’ve got one more page that I didn’t feel necessary to show. It was the scan of the survey, a picture of a sewage sump system and two maps to the project.
Chief is an incredibly powerful program. I could easily whip out detailed wall frame pictures in 3d. Roof frames…mechanical plans…schedules and specsheets. Landscaping. 3d renderings…etc.
Oh, oh…I’m sounding like a commercial.
Bob’s next test date: 12/10/07
Edited 5/26/2008 5:50 pm by Jim_Allen
It looks great to me. I have tried several programs have been totally unsuccessfull in making any headway.
1. The window description at the top right looks like the label has been done over a few times.
2. Maybe it's my age and been married for almost 30 years, but it seems as if there should be a wall for a flat panel TV.
3. I'd make the vanity top bigger.
4. First I tought you weren't giving enuff space for the A/C unit, but I see you're using slatted fence.
I think you've done a nice job.
For a rookie.
Edited 5/26/2008 7:22 pm ET by peteshlagor
Yes, I never noticed that till now. Thanks. I'll fix that. I also noticed that I was missing the R30 note for the ceiling info. Heres a rendering that Chief does and a couple pics of the existing conditions. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Don'tcha just hate that roof tile? Spent 5 years in S. Cal and I just could never get to like it.
The tv space us destined for the wall that separate the bathroom and bedroom. I've got a quadplex scheduled there. The bath is setup for future ADA access in a "t" style turnaround. We'll probably be putting a vanity of some sort in there but I wanted to show how it would look in the future when the vanity dissappears. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
I bought Chief two years ago. I'm in the slow process of doing up a plan for the lot on L. Mich. Timberframe. Recently got the CAD plans for the lot from the developers surveyors. Haven't imported it in yet...
I have not been able to import any dwg drawings to date. I've tried several and none worked. No one's been able to open any of my exported .dwg drawings yet either. I'm working with the latest version. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Is the export to .PDF part of the CA package or was Adobe Writer required?
The export to PDF is done with the suppled software from http://www.pdf995.com/. It's freeware. Chief ships it in the software package but you can download it direct from them. It's a handy program. For instance, if I want to print this page, I could print it to PDF. I've attached what this BT "frame" would look like in PDF format. You can print anything to PDF free. The only slightly annoying thing about the program is that they also open a browser up every time to their website and ask you if you want to pay for the program for $9.95. Some day, I'm going to say yes because it's a great program and certainly worth 9.95! Download it an try it. When you are asked what printer to use, the pdf option will be listed next to your other printers. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
thanks Jim./ Saw pdf995 on the comparison list of CA vs CA Lt. Thought that was what I wa asking but not sure since it was under the print category and not the save option category.
They might have the light program set up so you can't print to PDF. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
can't recall but right now the LT program is out of the running. Looking at the full version now. DLed the free trial version and will go through the familiarization vid tonight after everyone's asleep. You've been my motivation on this purchase, can you get a referral fee?
LOL...send it to Mike and some of the other users. They steered me onto Chief. Since I'm in the remodeling business and I didn't want to sell my soul to an Architect for small jobs...it was just a natural choice. We just picked up some additional design work today and have another appointment on a second job for a client. We like the design process so well that we are adding it to our lead generation marketing plan. Dollar for dollar, the design packages are an excellent source of income and they are a great cash flow product. Additionally, they put us in the driver's seat once we enter the bid stage. I bought two licenses when I did and it's working perfect. My designer/estimator is using one. She whips out simple stuff and lets me do the harder stuff. If I can't do it, we have several Architects on our vendor list. Ask Mike about the site for additional training tapes. I sent an email about that to you but he knows a lot more about it...because he actually buys and watches them! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
"They might have the light program set up so you can't print to PDF."If it can print at all, it can print to .pdf with PDF995 or the Adobe product. Same for any Windows program that can print. The installation sets it up to look like any printer device, so when you go to print, and the dialog that pops up has the printer it will be using with a down-arrow next to it, you can drop down that list of "printers" on your system and see PDF995 at the end. You click that, and when the program thinks it is printing to a real printer or one connected via a network, it goes to the PDF995 driver. You get another popup asking you where to put the resulting file. Navigate to where you want it to go, make sure the name selected is right (or fix it), and OK the thing. Done.
Thats as good as an explanation as we could hope to get. Thanks.I'm thinking that the Light version might not include the ability to send anything to print. But, you are right...if it will send it to a printer, 995 will be there as a choice. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
here's a link to a.pdf showing the differences
Several of the "no's" in the lite version would aggravate me.Sending Elevations to CAD details is critical. There are some other no's attached to CAD detailing. That's a huge part of the program...at least for me. Theres about five other things that would be a pain. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
yes, me too. I read through that and made the decision that LT wasn't for me, kindalike a car without wheels. And the price difference didn't even make it tempting. Waiting for my box to come to the door now.
Cool. Keep us posted about your progress. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
progress i expect to be slow for a while. desk work is mostly 1 handed lately other hand/arm holding 3wk old (like now)
That should be fun! Get some headphones and keep your training videos handy.Congrats on the family addition. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
When you got the 2 licenses did they give you 2 of the USB security keys? Just curious since I'm only dealing with a single license. I do like the idea of the USB key since it'll be nice to have CA installed on the 2 DTs and the LT which increases the useability for me.
Yes, I got two complete and separate identical boxes including the extra key. You will be able to load the program on more than one computer but can only work if you have the key plugged into the usb port. You will be able to link the dt to the lt to further increase your effectiveness. Mike mentioned that he keeps two monitors on when he's working with Chief. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Ouch! 2 boxes, could you neg a deal on the 2nd or no dice?
I've had 2 monitors running for a while now (just got a new monster 22" last weekend to replace an older one).
I've got the DT & LT networked/fire sharing together already is there something more when you say You will be able to link the dt to the lt to further increase your effectiveness?
I started reading through the Ref Manual that came with the free trial version. 1200 pages, about 1150 more to go.
I hope you read it all, then I can ask you questions! Don't ask me to elaborate on productivity. I'm not capapble of conecting two monitor or computers. I'm happy to get one working. I do all my work on my little 17" $399 laptop. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
John...hows it going? Are you loving your new Chief program or ready to toss it out the window? I was ready to toss mine before we kissed and made up.We just sold another design package today to another contractor! I might get a bun with my hot dog this month. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
It's actually coming along pretty good, Jim. I've not had the time that I'd like to have had for these last couple of weeks but I think I've made some good progress on the learning curve (the training videos make the baby sleep & sometimes like now I'll play the vid so he can hear it but i'll work on something else). Today I broke the code on a few stair issues like short stair runs from garages leading inot the hosue with a platform/landing at the top at the door thanks to some searching on ChiefTalk. There's one other method i want to attempt as well.
The whole thing is awesome really. I haven't got to it yet, but i like how it'll automtically build a foundation for you.
I was a big fan of Sketchup (still am really) but it doesn't have squat on Chief for home plans.
to answer your question, I'm loving it.
congrats on the package sale! did this develop from the CL add for basic cad services?
No. Were are doing some advertising and a painting/general contractor called us for some advice on an addition. We offered to do some simple preliminary design work for an hourly fee. So, that first one went well and we will be doing a construction drawing package on that when his client makes the decision.The GC then called us for the same deal on a second story addition. The client wanted to get a sense of how the protruding addition would affect their elevation view. We delivered a very basic boxy looking preliminary in three hours and he called back the same day to order the full design package. We include all drawings necessary to pull a permit and also get an engineer to spec the foundation and beams. The other design packages have been developed by going out there for a "free estimate". We did he go round with a client today who wants a bid that will be somewhere in the 150k neighborhood but doesn't think plans are that necessary for his project. We just play hardball and simply tell him that we'll be glad to bid off his plans if he gets them from somewhere else or we'll sell him a design package. The thing we won't do is put our time into a vague idea or put a hard number and proposal on someone's thoughts. Selling an addition without plans first is kinda like buying a car at the dealer...signing the contract, writing the check, then looking outside to see what you've bought! No one buys a car like that but they think they can buy a 150k addition like that! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
What so tricky about a landing and short run of stairs? Were you goofing up or am I going to learn something some day? Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
I've only been able to create a landing between 2 runs of stairs. What I did was draw hidden walls at the perimeter of the platform which created a room. then set the rooms floor height to -2 which set it 2" below the main floor height giving the run of the software a target for the run of stiars stepping up from the garage into the main floor. I gleaned that off the ChiefTalk site.
Good work! Now I know how to do a landing 2" lower than the main floor. I've used the hidden wall trick several times to get a porch detail worked out. I'm much better now with the porches though but everythings a challenge for me. I'm sure you'll fly by me if you listen to the tapes. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
DS listens to the tapes. :) But I do dig through them as a reference. Will never be able to sit through them back to back without a specific learning target in mind.
Problem with the hidden wall is it comes out like a floating floor in 3d view. I should be able to put in an interior wall, set the height and it would go from there, but so far it's been a no-go.
Don't the stairs show in 3d too? Just change the walls to visible and adjust the coverings. Do the same with the landing. I don't see why they shouldn't be visible unless you actually want the floating look. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
that worked too. The stairs showed fine in 3d. There might've been other factors in play as well like not having the found built yet.
ever build a kitchen desk in Chief? I've been able to find the drawer cab that go with the desk, but not the knee space unit to continue the CT from the drawer set over. Thought I'd find it in the library looking for a single drawer, knee space, desk, kitchen desk, but no-go.
Any ideas?
[also hit the search at ChiefTalk as well with same results.]
Edited 6/15/2008 7:56 pm ET by john7g
I'm probably not the guy to ask about that. Chieftalk will help you I'm sure. You might have to customize a base cabinet. Make it 10" tall and set the heights to float it with no kickplate. Or, make the kickplate invisible. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
that was the trick. got the same answer at ChiefTalk. I was thinking there would've been something a little fancier.
Any advice to share about roofs? Trying a somewhat complicated one for the software. I know how to frame it, I can 'build' it in Sketchup, but trying to convince Chief to do what I want it to do has been a bit problematic.
Been reading the posts re: roofs @ ChiefTalk and learned a bit, but so far no Silver Bullet.
I'm no genius but I recently figured out how to add roofs using the single plane system in conjunction with the auto roof. I don't know what the framing view will look like yet and I probably won't even bother to create one. For fun, I'll click the button to see what I've built.So, I was faced with several challenges on this one. I had to figure out how to add the shed roof over the front porch. I had to extend the ridge from the left side all the way to the second story wall because the owner doesn't like the profile of the ridge going up and down. He wanted a cleaner look. I had to figure out how to add a small section of 12/12 roof over the back deck to meet up with the ridge. What kind of mess are you dealing with? Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
john... if there is ONE thing chief excells at.. it's gotta be roofsyou can build the most complicated roofs with chief... AND if you can build it in Chief, you can build it in 12" scale toochief can't build a roof that is not in planei am still using 10.08a for my day-to-day... but i understand that X1 is still the cats pajamas when it comes to roofsi almost never use auto-roof
or , like jim .. i might start with auto-roof... but then i change over to manualdan bauman has some good roof tutorialsand the ones on the dvd are great tooMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
I've attached my current challenge in 2d I made from SU. I think my problem is the order of building it in Chief but not sure. Ignore the extended roof return level, it'll be in line with the margairita green porch roof.
I've found that I can get the vodka blue roof with intersecting ridge by making a dormer 1st then exploding and moving the parts but that was limited success. Getting the intersection of all 3, the margarita green with the vodka blue and bloody mary red has been....
Is there a specific order of build that should be followed or works better?
When I did an Autobuild on this it didn't come close to what I'm wanting. It ignored the desire to gable the end (as checked in the appopriate box for the wall dialogue)under the bloody mary red roof and shot it all the way up to the 2nd story.
Edited 6/23/2008 2:54 pm ET by john7g
I agree. If I can do it, you'll be able to do it. The "saddle" is the aqua portion of your roof. If you can get Chief to create the two different roof planes then they usually will generate a decent saddle. The trick is to get the ridges the way you want by changing the various buttons. Since I didn't do the tutorials it took me a long time to experiment and hit all the right buttons. Mike will know how to do this one very easily. I have faith....he's done the education process. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
geesh john... mebbe you should try it without all the booze ...
hey.... can you shrink that file size... i have to scroll to look at parts of it
can't see the forest for the treesMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
>mebbe you should try it without all the booze ...<
Not drinking right now (mebbe that's the problem) but the beach vacation is just around the corner and it's hard to keep my mind off of it right now.
smaller canvas attached.
One of my "solutions" for roofs, if the auto roof won't generate what I want, is to install the basic walls I need to create the basic roof. I then hit the auto roof function. Then I add the other walls that create some of the difficulties for chief and manually build them. I think I'm ready to order some of the advanced tutorials if I'm going to tackle some of the difficult designs. So far, I've only handled the easy stuff and handed off the tougher stuff to an architect. Chief might not build a roof not in plane but I've been involved in few rolly pollies in my day LOL! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
That's a decent idea. Build the garage (bloodt mary red roof) with the saddle/big cricket roof (vodka blue) and then build the house & covered porch (margarita green).
If there was only a way to set a ridge as you pull the roof the problem would be solved. I can easily get it to create the back roof of the cricket (vodka blue) anf pull it forward but the issues arise when i try to get it to set the cricket on the top plate of the 1st story wall.
One other idea. When you run the auto build feature, it doesn't auto build a roof that has been manually edited. This might be helpful if you build the bloody mary, then the house. Edit each of those roofs a very small amount...shrink the overhang by .25" or something. Then rebuild using the auto roof and see if it will get the margarita built. Which drink was giving you fits? I was thinking you were having trouble with the blue vodka (the saddle). Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
getting the vodka blue to sit on the bloody mary red and join correctly with the margairta green, in that order. I can get the blue vodka to run up from the same ptiched porch roof in the back but creating a match to complete it for the front hasn't been possible. I'm goint to try a different order.
I wouldn't worry about specifying too much up there in cricketville. I've framed hundreds of them and if they weren't coplaned into something, I always made them whatever I wanted. Often, I never even bothered to use any dimenionsing tools at all. I basically just carved them in by eye. Your's is one that I wouldn't hesitate to carve in on the front side. I'd just start the ridge somewhere on the chimney to eliminate any chance at water collecting....then wing it. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Last night I think I borke through the understanding problems I was having. All the time I was thinking a roof had to be drawn on a wall which is not true. Then just fiddled with the ridge heghts to match and maintain the pitch and it looks like things are going to be easier. Chatting with you and Mike about got me to thinking differently.
You're right about not worrying about it too much for the drawing. What was taking me off on tangent is the 3d views. On the site we can just use Capenters Literary License to make it work and look right, but with the 3d view, a new facet to the design is added.
Good job noticing the chimney. It's already destined to be moved once I'm sure of the location of the blue vodka cricket ridge.
Check your e-mail.
I got your emails early this morning. Thanks, it was some good reading. I better get cracking on Chief or your going to pass me up like I was standing still. Oh..I am standing still LOL! The program is 100 times more powerful than I'll ever be able to use. It s a shame really because in my earlier years I would have loved to figure all that stuff out. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Thanks Jim. I posted something to Mike with more specifics.
My problem is if I know you can do it, surely I should be able to. :^)
If you want to know what I started with, heres a pic of the existing conditions. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
1 thing I am missing that I like in SU is the chalk line tool. It'll snap a dotted line like you'd use a chalk line for to figure locations, etc. Chief got anything like that?
No chalk line thing like SU. I'd send them a request for one in their next update. You never know till you ask! I typically put a line down, then erase it later. When you have the "snap to" button pushed, it does draw those little dotted lines but I'm not sure they are the same thing you are talking about. They might be though. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
And I think I just figured a work-around for the chalk line. I just used a CAD line in conjunction with the dimension tool to locate it exaclty and used the CAD line as a reference to erase later.
you can drop a cad line pretty easy... and you can do point to poitthat little tool at teh bottom.... move & replicate gets a lot of useMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
you're just a little late to that brain storm... :)
Thanks for the help. Maybe it was the brain wave of you typing it that triggered it in my head?
I haven't had much success with the point to point tool. When I use it, it seems to locate an insane amount of points. The thing has been useless to me. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
I had trouble at the beginning with the point to point at first but zoomed way in and have ahd good luck.
We're waiting to hear how you like your new Chief program! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
we're still waiting on the box.
It took them 1 day to process the order and ship so the 2 day shipping will inlcude the weekend and be 5 days. It'll be here soon enough.
I have been messing around with the trial version and it's pretty impressive and so far easy to use, but I've been limiting how much I do since I can't save any of it (restriciton of the free trial).
Thanks for the update. I occasionally advertise on Craigslist offering basic CAD services. I just got a request that sounds interesting. I'll find out tomorrow if theres any opportunity. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
did anything develop for the CAD services?
No. I've been busy all day. Thanks for reminding me to call the guy! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
you're welcome.
box came early today (unusual for fedex, norm is pm). this is some pretty awesome stuff! lots to learn but that's to be expected with something this useful. i've got a set of plans that i had drawn up 15+ years ago by an archy and i was distracted long enough with other stuff to not review them as closely as i should've so several key things that i was asking for weren't met. this should make for a good 1st set with CA.
Congrats. Don't be afraid to post questions on Chieftalk too. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Good job jim... now I'm feeling pretty pathetic and stupid after months of trying to draw a piddly 16x30 shop in Autocad...
(there's your mean spirited criticism.)
16 x 30? Why would you draw a shop so puny LOL?!!!!I don't know anything about autocad but I do know that a 16 x 30 rectangle in Chief would be a five minute deal. Sorry for letting you in on that. That would be fairly easy in SketchUp too. I'm a lot better with SU since I've learned Chief. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Puny yes, 16x30's what the existing slab is. Gonna use it.
I may bail off to sketchup myself. Might not be a point in learning ACAD at this stage in the game.
Here...I feel bad for you. I spent 14 minutes doing it while I watched the Redwings win the Stanley Cup! Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Not only can I not draw in ACAD, I missed the stanley cup final...
Working late.
Hey can you lose the hip and give me a 4/12 truss?
Yes. That change will take me five more minutes. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
i'm sold
I'll do it tomorrow. You're an easy sale. How big do you want your overhangs? What style: boxed or sloped? Are the doors located okay. I don't want you complaining ten years from now... Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
2' oh, sloped/open
4/12 pitch--std truss
one 36" entry door @west 16' end near corner
3 3'0x2'0 windows each long side placed high enough to avoid too much shading from eaves, keep folks from peering in, and allowing for wall space.
That's my charge.
The difficult part for me is drawing some extras for wall sections and foundation--existing and proposed. The foundation will grow 4' from existing--tie in new footing, continue block, (I should ICF?? can u ICF next to existing 8" block?) pour cores, fill with rock and continue the existing slab over to bottom mudsill height...
This is what he wants at least...
I priced it for him, he's agreed, and now I just need to get some plans by the city.
Thanks for playing with me,
No problem. Check back later. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
I tried to convert the drawing into trusses and I ran into a big problem...one that I haven't solved yet. It turned into a big lesson for me..one that I haven't learned yet. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
There you go! I'm pushing you into new domain!
Yes, thank you. It created a weird problem that I still can't figure out. I'll probably open a new plan and start all over to see the difference. Bob's next test date: 12/10/07