Many years ago, there was an article about paneling a barrel vault with what looked like wainscotting. The work was done on site ane the article described how the work was done.
In another issue, there was an article about using a Finnish fireplace/Russian stove as the sole source of heat in a small house in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, someplace cold like that. As I remember, the stove was made of brick and had a bunch of dampers so that the heat could be directed as desired. There was even a brick bench with a flue built into it that would keep the seat warm!
I would like to track down those two articles.
Can anybody help?
Not sure where you can find that article but I'm sure someone here will help you.
If you want to see a barrel vaulted entry way with wainscotting that I did see my website bellow and if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to try and help
Good luck
Be round
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''