I have a hot water radiator heating system and I have 3 radiators that are not heating up. Could someone help me trouble shoot this problem.
Thanks, Red
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Understand lumens, ceiling brightness, beam spread, tilt, and color options to make a wise choice on a common fixture that can range from $75 to $750 or more.
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Open the valves?
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
My first thought would be to 'bleed' them - there is probably air in the system, preventing the water from flowing. It's very common.
I agree with BillW. YOu have an air bubble in a pipe. Bleed the HIGHEST radiator first, and work your way down. Then go back to the top after running the system for an hour or so.
Make sure you either have an autofeed valve or that you put water into the system.
If these three radiators are on the same feed pipe (you can check by running your hand along the pipe if it is accesible) you have an air bubble in that feed pipe.