I had a CF reflector flood that burned out recently, so I did some squeezing and pushing and pulling, and the thing came open without breaking. It’s interesting how complex the circuit for this thing is. Loads of capacitors, resistors, diodes, a couple transistors, transformer, torroid…. I took some pictures of it.
Note that the wires going from the foil side of the board to the tube couldn’t possibly have been done with a wave soldering machine, so this has to have a lot of careful hand labor in it. Probably done in China, where else could they get that level of skill for something that sells for lightbulb prices….
— J.S.
>> ... couldn't possibly have been done with a wave soldering machine ...
I think you're right, but it looks like the other components were machine soldered, judging by the very smooth joints and the presence of the solder mask.