Compressed air placed crushed stone
A while back I heard of a method of placing crushed rock using compressed air and have since forgotten where I heard of the technique. Can anyone direct me to a good source of information on this or share experiences using this method? Thanks!
A company named (or was named) Eagle Rock did it in the SF Bay Area. I think they could only do 3/8" rock. As I remember there was a lot of moisture. Kind of slow. One guy could handle the hose. We thought it was only practical for a backfill without access as it was expensive.
What did they use for an air source?
It's been about 12 years, but as I remember the material came on a trailer sort of like an enclosed bottom dump and the pump was built right in. See: http://www.airpumpindustries.comJohn
Edited 3/30/2008 6:38 pm ET by JohnCujie
Only seen a Stone Slinger.
Edited 3/30/2008 6:43 pm ET by 802Mike
This OldHouse show did one of their house with foundation gravel installed with some sort of thrower, belt, I think. That project was 1 or 2 years ago. You can check their website for description and source materials. This could be the beginning of your research. Good luck.