Hello All,
I’m usually hanging out at Knots but I have a question related to my concrete driveway so I’m hoping that this is the right place. I bought a house 15 years ago that has a concrete driveway. The driveway goes on a decline from the road to my house at a fairly steep slope (about a 45 degree angle). When people pull out of my driveway they tend to bottom out especially if we are talking about a passenger car (Toyotas and BMWs are very low to the ground and always bottom out). This has really bothered me over the years and no one wants to come into my driveway for this reason. Even a Chevy Suburban once bottomed out because it is such a long vehicle. I’m hoping that the hump at the top of the driveway (probably put there to prevent water from careening down my driveway in a storm) could be somewhat flattened out. Or I was hoping that the driveway could be built up so that the hump is not so pronounced.
I also have stone to the side of my driveway that I would like to pave with concrete. My question is: Is it better to get rid of the curent concrete driveway and start over and hopefully the driveway can be put in with a more gradual slope. Or, since the current driveway is in decent shape, can it be topped off with concrete and filled in with concrete where the stone is on the side of my driveway? I really want to resolve this issue but I’m not sure if it can be resolved. I’m also interested if anyone knows of the cost of putting in a driveway. It is roughly 400 square feet. Any help would be appreciated. By the way, I live in New Hampshire…
You might want to post your question on the Breaktime forum--several of the folks there know a lot about paving and that sort of thing.