i’ve got a 18×24 foundation that needs about 13 yards of conc. in it.only trouble is i can’t get a truck to it. is it feasible to pour the slab with bag concrete and a mixer? if so how do i get it all poured before the beggining part starts to set up in this 110 degree heat.any other options?carpenter playing mason.
Pump it in.
don't really want to get a huge pump truck and a concrete truck on this small neighborhood street.i have heard of a trailer type pump, would that work?
We hired a trailer pumper with a guy for $600 half day. for a foundation 150 feet away from the nearest truck access. Worked like a charm.
Guy with hoses in the back of a big pickup and a trailer mounted pump. Get the pump guy to speicify what conc mix you need. I guess pumps don't like 3/4" aggregate.
Have fun.
that's exactly what i'll do.Thanks a lot for the tip.
You'd never keep up with a small mixer and you'd drop dead before you finished. You're talking 65 bags of concrete, plus sand, stone, and water. All in all you'd be making 52,650 pounds of mix.
You could rent a power buggy or two, and have a good sized crew. The concrete company will require the truck to be emptied within so many minutes or you'll get an additional charge, and after another short while will dump the whole rest of the load right on the ground so it doesn't set up in the truck.
Instead of playing mason, why not hire one?
i'm not hiring one because i want to learn and i've never come across a project that i couldn't complete with a little planning and hard work.it's not rocket science.also ALL the concrete workers around here are illegal aliens and i don't support hiring them.i'm going to rent a trailer pump
No reason at all why you can't line-pump it.
If you are new at this and working with a small crew consider asking the batch plant for a set retarder. It will slow the concrete down so you can keep up with the finishing.