Here’s a tough one for you guys…
About a year ago, I bought a foreclosure that’s a bit rundown. Among the problems I have to deal with is a front deck that is in poor condition and a side door that opens out into nothing but air. So my plans for this summer were to fix up the front deck and add another, smaller deck outside of the side door. But my wonderful fiancee had other plans…
As an anniversary gift, she gave me a deck. Without my knowledge, she designed a beautiful wrap-around deck that solves both my problems. She also hired some guys who have been doing repair work around her house to build the deck while we were out of town on vacation. When I got back from said trip, I was greeted by an amazing (but half-built) deck. I was amazed! I was surprised! I was overjoyed! I couldn’t believe my eyes! And then I got a closer look.
It was immediately obvious that the guys building the deck were doing a half-assed job. Half the posts didn’t line up with the footings. The joists were non-pressure treated. The decking that was installed wasn’t laid in a staggered pattern and wasn’t trimmed to the same length so the butts aren’t in a nice straight line. You get the picture. Playing ignorant, I asked her if the joists were pressure treated since they didn’t have a green tint and she replied that they weren’t but not to worry since the guy “sealed” them. However, we’d have to stain the bottom of the deck to make sure the wood was protected.
Now I’m not a builder or anything but I’ve read a lot of Fine Homebuilding and other such magazines and I think (although I could be mistaken) I know when something doesn’t seem like it’s being done properly. And if this is the case, I’m in a real spot. If I start to criticize the deck, I’ll look like an ungrateful bastard who doesn’t appreciate the time, effort, and money that she put into it (to make matters worse, my fiancee is helping these guys do the construction so she’s got sweat equity invested). If I just smile and nod, I may end up with a deck that’ll need to be rebuilt in a few years.
What to do?
Always fall back on truth. You can't let the shoddy construction continue and risk physical injury to you, your financee, tenants or friends or strangers. Once she sees that these guys have cheated her she should be even more upset than you are. Call in an inspector, your homeowners agent or another contractor to pass judgement on it.
I sense a disturbance in the force.
Which do you value more. Quality construction or your fiancee. It seems that you will have to rebuild it anyway, so wait till if falls down to rebuild it. That deck want keep you warm on cold nights. Remember, it's the thought that counts
LIE. LIE. LIE. and keep your yap shut.
If you can jump in now and help fix a few things without blurting out its crap, then do that.
If you go down the path of truth, you will get slammed up side the head about being ungrateful. Not today, not tommorrow, but in five years when your in the middle of a fight over what to order for dinner. She will blindside you with it when you least expect it and she will do it repeatedly and at random intervals. You'll never live it down.
So your basic choice is to put up with less than perfect deck and avoid a major fubar in your relationship (a deck that you can eventually fix) or get a perfect deck and plant a timebomb that will go off when you least expect it for the rest of your life with no way to ever fix it.
You'll plant a lot of land mines over the years. No sense planting one that is so obvious.
30 years and counting with the same woman.
BTW, before you contract with someone you check out their references and qualifications. You see what their experience level is. Before you take advice on what to do about this, you better find out how many times the advisor has been divorced and how many relationships they have burnt through.
I have been with my wife since she was 16 and have never been apart for more than a couple of days due to traveling.
If she is the sensitive type (and she must be or you wouldn't be asking this) I'd try to keep my mouth shut - it's her deal and not yours. Even if you hate it, she thinks it's a great gift.
If the thing is 1/2 built, start taking photos like mad so you can documant everything.
Some important details:
How is the ledger connection to the house being handled - what are the connection and flashing details?
How are the railings attached, and will they hold a 400pound horizontal load in?
How are the joists connected to support elements?
How far off the mark ar the posts from the concrete foorters, and how are they connected to the footers?
Pictures help us all see what's going on. Hey, maybe everything is going great and you don't have to worry. On the other hand, this may be a total Construction Failure that may place you and your future hubbies life in danger. Posting pictures here will help everyone know which it will be.
Some resources:,,212625,00.html
Most of the FHB deck info is members only.