Crown Moulding with inside bullnose

Hi Folks, <!—-><!—->
I am installing some crown with a spring angle of 45 degrees and I’ve come to a wall (inside corner) that has a 45-degree corner. No big deal, right? Just run the calculations and set the saw… the only problem is that it is a bullnose inside. I’ve never seen this before (done plenty of bullnose outside). Has anyone wrapped one of these? Can you wrap it using a transition piece, or, do you just cut a 45 joint and sand off the bottom? Suggestions? <!—->
Sweaty <!—->
I'm 99% certain that you can't do a bullnose on an inside corner. You may need to use a corner block.
I did this once before. Easiest way is to cut the bullnose , two cuts ,one at the bottom of the crown, and about 1/2" above it. Remove the small piece and let the crown sit inside.The bullnose was the plastic type with paper tape, used a dremel to make the cuts.I did sand the crown on the first one, cutting the bullbose was easier and slightly faster.
I would tend to agree with you. Your approach seems unobtrusive enough not to call out a mistake. The only thing I could add is to rather than have a sharp level cut under the crown, to break the corner and ease it back in. This would remain consistent with the style. Spanish revival?