I am in need of a filter unit for a custom range hood that I am having fabricated. I already have the lighting and the fan for the unit, but am yet in need of a filter unit that I can mount in it. If anyone knows where I can order such a thing, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the information.
Bryan, somewhere in the archives is a thread that featured custom hoods. SHGLaw started it I think. It wasn't about hoods so much as the Prima Donas who make them, but there might be some help there if anyone remembers where it is. Joe Hennessey
*Bryan,Filters are available from most supply houses, such as Johnstone Supply, in a variety of sizes and types. Since you are having the hood fabricated just determine the size and type and have the fabricator build in the properly sized filter track. If you don't have a supply house in your town... the closest Johnstone Supply to Findlay is in Columbus, 700 Parkwood Ave. 43219. 614-258-1111Hope this helps.
*Bryan,Did you try Arco in Toledo. 419-531-3521. Commercial, but worth the try.