What do you guys think of this construction detail? A saw this on a friends new deck, it seems pretty solid, but I wonder how long it will last. Seems kinda hack to me.
What do you guys think of this construction detail? A saw this on a friends new deck, it seems pretty solid, but I wonder how long it will last. Seems kinda hack to me.
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There are several ways I might have done it, and that isn't one of them. It might not be too horribly bad if he could put some diagonal braces in, otherwise I would think eventually the horizontal 2x will pull away from the joist. Even if it were fastened securely with screws or whatever, it seems like it will sag or split eventually, not to mention water will be trapped there and will eventually rot it away. But I am not an engineer.
Nice decking detail, but...
there is insufficient support for the end of the decking boards resting on the "scab".
There should be a second joist to catch the ends of the perpedicular decking and intermittent blocking between them to support the fillet and allow drainage.
Solar & Super-Insulated Healthy Homes
definitely a place for rot, escpecially after it fills with dirt etc to hold the moisture there. Blocking between the adjacent joists was the better way to go.
Never mind the possibility of rot, it looks like it will pull off that joist without much trouble. A load bearing joist fastened (and unsupported) on the flat?
I dont know...scares me.
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
That is an absolute joke and whoever did it should be shot. Adding one more joists wouldn't have made the person go broke. It's not even worth talking about because it's so stupid. Someone should add another joist underneath and filler blocks and then screw the decking to it.
I bet it looks good.
That's what I thought, unfortunately I'm in a little bit of a sticky situation. I'm also a friend of the contractor so I have to temper my opinions a little bit. It's the first time I've seen his work, and I'm not to impressed. Thankfully I didn't suggest him.It started as a re-roof and progressed to siding, windows, and a deck. The trim on the inside is stain grade, what a joke. The 5" deep extension jambs are made of two pieces a 3 1/2" and 1 1/2"...WTF I think he bought the wrong material and just went with it. Picture framed the whole window with no stool because "they don't do it that way anymore". 1/16"-1/8" gaps everywhere.On the deck, one of the six foot posts lands on a cement sidewalk, no footing, not even tied to sidewalk. Stringers for stairs come in below the 2x8 joists so he nailed a 2x12 behind the 2x8 and called it good.I should take some pictures it's really pretty amazing.Seeing the other work makes me have serious concerns about the roof and siding.Sorry to vent, I'm just irritated that someone could do this to a person they know. Makes me question whether I need another friend.I guess I'll fix some it up when I get some free time (starting with the stairs).David
"Makes me question whether I need another friend."
Don't mix business and friendships and you can have all of each tthat you might want. Slice and dice the two together and you can kill both relationships.
Sounds like they started with a roofer who wants to do it all, but doesn't have the skills....but thinks he does.
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Yeah, I try to stay out of it as much as I can. But it sure makes me feel crappy when he's talking to family about doing work for them and I have to tell them I wouldn't hire him.
Depending how high the deck is, you may need at least one new friend when the guy who owns the deck steps out there one day and it falls apart under him!