Had something happen today that kinda ticked me off.
I was working on roof trusses for a house this morning. I had called the lumberyard and GC trying to find out the rough opening for a window so I knew if it would fit under a vaulted ceiling or not. Didn’t really get an answer.
A bit later the secretary buzzez me and tells me the HO for that particular house is one the line. I was surprised, but figured he had the answers I wanted.
So I pick up the line expecting a helpful voice at the other end. Instead I get an enraged a$$hole yelling at me about when his trusses are scheduled to be delivered. He claims the trusses have been ordered for 5 1/2 weeks, and he wants to know why. (We’re about 2 weeks out)
Couldn’t really tell him anything – I don’t deal with scheduling. So he wants to know whom to call. I suggest talking to the person he’s been dealing with at the lumberyard. He says he just talked to that guy and he told him to call me. (Probably just to get the HO off his back)
He wants me to transfer him to the owner, and I exlain I can’t – I work at a small satellite manufacturing facility, not the main office. He asks for the main office number, and I gave him that. Did’t really know what else to do.
So I get on the phone and start calling around asking questions. Turns out the framer asked us to delay the trusses until a specific date – He had another job he wanted to finish first. Then he tells the HO that the trusses won’t be ready until that date, as we’re really backed up on production. No sense telling the HO the truth.
Then this afternoon, I met a GC at a jobsite to measure it and go over an order. After we get done, he tells me we’re 2 weeks out, no matter how fast we can get the floor trusses built. He has anther job he has to finish up, and wants the trusses delayed to keep the HO off his back.
Guess I should be grateful that this guy told me what was going on up front……
Q: How do you know you’re leading a really pathetic life?
A: When a nymphomaniac tells you: “Let’s just be friends.”
I feel your pain. I have been on both ends of that game having both been in charge of a truss plant and now having my own construction co.
I don't blame anyone for being behind except myself anymore, especially since getting caught once in a lie like that. It's hard for them to believe you about anything else after that.
Lousy situation.
I would explain to the GC that your people work very hard and take no small measure of pride in their ability to deliver a fine product in a timely manner.
Then ask the GC if he expects you to lie to him. When he says, "No, you better not". Tell him "Then don't encourage the habit by asking us to lie to others".
Just my $0.02
The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man.
- Fyodor Dostoyevski
Unfortunately, I've never met the GC and have had no contact with him. He never called me back about the window problem I was trying to get info about in the first place."More hay, Trigger?""No thanks, Roy, I'm stuffed!"
Theres your answer, "the trusses are delayed 'cause we waiting for info from the GC!"
Edited 9/3/2004 2:57 pm ET by USANigel