Does Meranti hold paint well?
I am thinking about building the carriage doors from the 2012 Apr/May issues, but would like to paint them. i like the recommendation of using Meranti (although haven’t used it before) for durability & stability, but may look out of place on this building if not painted. Thanks in advance for the feedback!
My experience with it has been positive, although it can be slightly oily. I had good luck using an oil-based primer first, then the exterior latex (Sherwin Williams Super-paint).
One downside of meranti is that it's really heavy. I know those particular carriage doors from the article well, and the hinges have sagged over time. Be sure you use big, ball-bearing hinges and long screws. I built my own carriage doors (9 ft. x 8 ft.) out of cedar. They've been up about 5 years and have survived well.