Need to install a set of 15″ wide doors in a single 30″ opening. Would like them to swing in or out.
The butt hinges designed for ‘cafe’ doors are only good up to 1 1/8. The kitchen door, spring loaded butt hinges are big and clunky.
The top and bottom mounted swinging door units I’ve priced are anywhere from $100 to $160 a set and i need a set for each door.
Looking for double acting butt hinges for 1 3/8 thickness. Stanley only has the big, clunky ones. An architect recommened Hafele, but their web site catalog wasn’t active. Any suggestions?
(If I posted this before the crash, I never saw the responses, sorry to ask again).
OK, deleted other one. Went down to the shop this AM and I still have a box from double acting hinges I used to install in dressing rooms.
Bommer Industries, Inc. Landrum, S.C. The model we used was #H7512 Gravity Pivots, double acting. These were for 3/4" doors but I'm sure they make bigger ones too. If not, these would work if you just had some longer brackets made. Very nice hinges, work smooth as butter and you can adjust the swing just by rotating cylinder. - yb