Not really a Fine Homebuilding thing but, here it goes:
Is anybody familiar with the Seal Master line of pavement products? Specifically, their sealers and cold patch repair stuff.
My driveway is showing signs of age and if I don’t do anything about it, I have a feeling that it will end up looking like a giant spiderweb, with all the cracks and crevasses.
Some more questions, 1- Has anybody bought ‘hot asphalt mix’ from a local fabricator and transported it home in metal cans (eg. garbage cans). Is this possible?
2- If you can buy the hot mix, can I just applied it to the problem areas on my driveway after I get home?. I live about 7 miles from the asphalt fabricator so it will be a very short trip.
Thanks in Advance
Eug - There's a limit to DIY and you just found it. Transporting 700 lbs of hot asphalt in a trash can just to apply it yourself is pure folly. If the plant is that close you'll get a good price from a pro.
*Well, I wasn't planning to buy a ton or 1/2 ton and transport it in garbage cans. All I need is 'one garbage can'The problem areas that I have could easily be fix with the volume in a 20-30 gallon trash can.Some news, I just spoke to the Asphalt company, they said that they way the asphalt is dispensed, dropped from some silo thingy, they cannot funneled it into a trash can. They did say that if I cover the back of a pickup truck with a tarp it should be ok and it will not melt it (??). That way, I could buy 1/4 ton and hopefully split it with the neighboors.
Not really a Fine Homebuilding thing but, here it goes:
Is anybody familiar with the Seal Master line of pavement products? Specifically, their sealers and cold patch repair stuff.
My driveway is showing signs of age and if I don't do anything about it, I have a feeling that it will end up looking like a giant spiderweb, with all the cracks and crevasses.
Some more questions, 1- Has anybody bought 'hot asphalt mix' from a local fabricator and transported it home in metal cans (eg. garbage cans). Is this possible?
2- If you can buy the hot mix, can I just applied it to the problem areas on my driveway after I get home?. I live about 7 miles from the asphalt fabricator so it will be a very short trip.
Thanks in Advance