We have been in our new home 2 years this month.
In my last home, I would inspect and clean out my dryer duct work every two years to prevent a fire hazard. So it was time to do it in my new home.
What I found today is both scarry and sad…….
As I was removing my dryer connection from the wall I noticed that it looked like dryer lint was coming “out” of the gap between the metal dryer pipe and the drywall. I turned on the dryer and sure enough air was being forced out of that gap in the wall. Closer inspection revealed that once the pipe went into the wall and curved 90deg upward, the connecting piece was severely crumpled inward allowing air and lint to be pumped directly into the wall cavity creating a fire hazard as well as moisture issue.
I am contacting my builder on Monday to fix the issue.
I was on-site virtually everyday during the build process but I missed this issue. Did not think I would have to inspect the inside of duct work…………
It is a shame that someone would do this kind of work and put a families life / home at risk.
Edited 8/27/2004 9:23 pm ET by Topher
These are the small things that make a difference. Attention to detail. Sometimes accidents happen.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time