Any tricks to sanding a high spot on a textured ceiling and then finishing? Do I need to scrape the texture off first or can I just start in sanding and guess on the end of my feather for texure removal prior to re-mudding. Also, how do I tape and mud a curved inside corner? Thanks.
Dave I find the scrape and sand with a feather edge around (kind of a combination of your two options) to be easiest for me. What kind of radius on the inside corner? I've sponged some.
Try getting a read from Brian Ewing at http://www.ornamentalplaster.com if you need full time mud advice. He posts here as "Brewski".
*Scrape and sand, feathering the edges is fine. You will need to do a fairly large area to blend it in. After you refinish, but before you re-texture, primer the entire spot to be textured. This will ensure that the texture dries evenly. This is especially important if you are going to knock it down. Get one of those aftermarket wheels that you can use in a drill to disk sand. Take out the mandrel, and use the rubber disk for finishing the inside curves. Bend it like a taco and you can get a fairly small radius.