Have a friend with a large retail store who wants to have someone come in and really examine the entire place for energy consumption. Anyone have any suggestions in CT perchance or a link to a trade group that would have a good membership directory?
http://www.energystar.gov has a number of member directories including Energy Star Raters who do energy audits.
I'm pretty sure Andy Engel does energy audit work, but I don't know if he does commercial. Give him a shout on here.
Thanks guys... the gov didn't help much (surprise surprise ;) ) but I shot Andy an email.
http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=SPP_DIRECTORY.Select Existing Building. Energy Consultant, and CT and hit search. I got twenty hits..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Thanks Bill... you must be more persistant than I was, I couldn't seem to find that search page.
Also check with local universities since many grants are floating around for just such things. Also, the town I moved from had people from both the electric and gas company that would come out and evaluate your building.
A quick google showed there's a "Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund" that provides just what you're looking for, or so it would seem.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.