Engineering tool to improve heating/cooling efficiency

For those interested in a calculating and improving the actual energy cost of a home, I highly recommend BuildingSim.
It seems primarly focused on thermostat settings, but it fully models every detail of a building and uses actual hourly weather data from your location to see exactly what is happening in your home every minute of the year. Warning: It doesn’t work in IE, so you’ll need Firefox, Chrome, or Safari I think.
Didn't you
make a very similar post on another forum using a different name... a few minutes ago?
I don't know that he made another post, but it's curious that he posted within seconds of registering as a user.
He would appear to be in violation of the nascent Rules for Commercial Entities Posting Here.
Really - YOU BrownBear3 recommend BuildingSim? Wow, that's great to know!
I mean with all the troubles you had with them at all. I mean, I recall you telling me over lines of cocaine that hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of viruses. let me repeat what you told me again: hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of viruses hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of hosts pornography, and that BuildingSim is chock full of viruses.
But I'm glad to see that ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers. Wait, did I say that right... ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers, ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers, ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers, ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers, ParagonRobotics, maker of BuildingSim, likes to sue it's customers, OHHHHH, now I see what I missed...
I should have said "doesn't like".
Wow, I would really hate for Paragon Robotics and Building Sim to find out about the awful things they did to you by doing a simple Google search. guys really know how to roll out the red carpet to new users.
It's a useful tool with absolutely no ads, hosted by a company that AFAIK sells nothing. If I had thought it was a violation of any policy, I wouldn't have posted it.
Welcome to Breaktime.
Too often new users (a minority) come here (once), lay down a link and don't bother qualifying it at all. These would be spammers.
However, those that post regularly, after a while, there's not much qualifying-
Tenure I guess.
But, your opinion is needed. Join in on these misfits we've become.
Did not visit the link so I cannot speak to it's usefulness-but after all, the thread title was looking for links.
It's curious that it right away tries to install something on your computer, without first asking permission.
That's an option to have your browser store the program so you can run it again later while disconnected from the Internet (which is actually quite handy in the field). Just click "Never" if your browser asks permission, and everything is all good.
BrownBear3, why exactly are you here... and who exactly are you? There is a wealth of information here, as well as questions that span back at least a decade...
But you've only come here to talk about the pornographers at All your history is in this thread alone.
And THANK YOU for providing a link to BuildingSim, I've been trying to find the right virus infection tools to take out my corporate enemies. The Chinese hackers who made BuildingSim did a great job at hiding the malware payload! I'll be cleaning out bank acounts soon with anyone who opens BuildingSim, by!
Now, on the other hand, if you are actually here to provide some helpful advice from your years of experience... which is the only thing that would qualify you to give advice on a product... and could be respected in any way, shape, or form... please enlighten us on what you do, who you work for, and better yet go back and provide some helpful advice.
BTW, did the lawyers at return those obviously photoshoped pictured of your spouse and the... um... ?
hey Paul
Now help me understand this-if someone searches for fine porn in a home, will they be brought to this thread?
While your posts like the above might be a way to stop spam on this sight, I don't think it a good idea.
Porn has about a million different niches, I've never heard of "Fine Porn"... Free yes, because everyone is a cheapskate for their 5 minute thrill.
Hey, that could be a new subcontractor you could bring through... after everything gets cleaned up but before you hand over the final bill to the client, you have your Porn subcontractro come through and take pictures of all your work with naked people draped over them.
I bet it would generate alot more traffic to your website:
"...Here you can see some new chair rail trim, just behind Kandy..."
"...Here you can see how we retrofit a new energy efficient water heater, and that's Steve doing pullups next to it..."
You don't have me convinced
There's naked
and then there's porn.
But back to the question. How is it that these posts of yours sticking porn into the type every few words is going to help cut down on unwanted links?
If the point of putting up a link here is to gain attention, and Google page rank, then the only defence is to create the wrong attention.
So the poster might hope their post might come up on a google search... only to find a whole bunch of crap the poster DOESN'T want associated with his name. It's like markeing, but in reverse.
BTW, if it turns out I'm off base - OR the original poster retracts the post, I do go back through and remove everything offending I post.
did you go to his link and see if there's any use to the thing?
Afterall, this was a thread about links to things that help. He provided a link. Does it help?
DOE has several freeware programs that also do this.
If you search for them the DOE has several high quality free programs that do energy calculations.
Spam and virus free.
Interesting thread .... but no program analyzes "every minute of the year" ... DOE2 and other nockoffs do hourly analysis. Primarily focused on thermostat settings but 'does it all'. I'm an energy modeler from WAY back ... you simply aren't really talking sense ... sounds like snake oil to me.
Have to agree w/ the others ... you're abusing this forum.