In a house remodel, the extension jambs for the windows were ordered flush with the wall face rather than the drywall face. The windows are 5′ wide maybe 6′ tall, solid oak 11″ jambs, stapled with about a bazillion staples to the windows.
What would be the best way to extend the jambs out 1/2″ to be flush with the drywall?
I would rip some red oak into 1/2" by 3/4" strips and nail it onto the jamb. Then trim it out.
My opinion is that it looks nicer if you will nail the strip on with a 1/4" backset--or offset--from the face of the window jamb to create a small stairstep look.
"Kinky for Gov. of Texas"
I had though about 1/2 X 3/4 strip...not however the step at that level...I'll mock one up for a test...Thanks!
If the jamb thickness/shims at the jamb and framing or whatever else can get in the way of extending using the 3/4'' wide extension, then narrow that up and proceed as directed above. Glue and pin the extensions. Plan your rips so the grain orientation is how you want it with the existing jambs.
Check closely to see that the finished wall surface requires the same dimension rips.
Best of luck.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
I would add a piece of wood that is the thickness of the drywall but would give it a reveal so that it looks like an intentional step. When you are done it would like there are two steps. One step at the casing and another 1/2" in.