I may be going to this well too often, but everyone’s help has been invaluable, so I’m going to try again.
I’m recreating Victorian window trim on an addition to my house. The original trim on the rest of the house wrapped the window in a no-profile 1×5 with a cornice or crown (not sure which is the correct term) at the top. Most of it’s gone, but one piece that was left had a nice fall across the top of the cornice molding for shedding water. I can’t find anybody who makes it with that profile anymore. My question is, what is the best way to create that. I’ve attached a rather lame drawing of what it would look like if I just used the moulding that is available from my local yard.
jim.. build it out of regular crown, sized to fit..
make a little shed roof for it.. and cover the shed roof with flashing of copper, lead, or coil stock aluminum..
one of the reasons they usually rotted away is because they relied on paint and putty to shed the water...once that was breached the water found it's way in and rotted it...
*Mike,Thanks. When you do this, do you install the front part before siding and cut the returns after so you don't have to cut a special profile out of each piece of siding that butts up against it?
*generally , it all has to go on before the siding because the flashing has to go on behind the siding...you can alternate...siding to the top of the cap.... then the crown returns and flashing... then the siding across the top of the crown and over the flashing...
*Mike,Bingo. That's sort of the way I figured it, but really wasn't sure. Thanks.
I may be going to this well too often, but everyone's help has been invaluable, so I'm going to try again.
I'm recreating Victorian window trim on an addition to my house. The original trim on the rest of the house wrapped the window in a no-profile 1x5 with a cornice or crown (not sure which is the correct term) at the top. Most of it's gone, but one piece that was left had a nice fall across the top of the cornice molding for shedding water. I can't find anybody who makes it with that profile anymore. My question is, what is the best way to create that. I've attached a rather lame drawing of what it would look like if I just used the moulding that is available from my local yard.