I would like to wrap my post on my farmers porch . I’m thinking about using 3/4” MDO . I want to miter the corners so I’ll have a clean look, I Bought a router bit so I lock the meters together this will be more labor but much stronger and better looking and I think it will keep my cost down using MDO.
I don’t want to use azex . All my is painted so I’ll have paint .
Need help with ideas or is MDO a good idea?
Tony in Massachusetts
A lock miter bit is a bear to set up right. they make jigs to properly set a lock miter making it much easier to use, think Rockler and Woodcraft have them. Also, this bit must be used in a router table it can't be freehanded. I'd probably use Azek and domino the edges at 90. I have done some machining on Azek, and it cuts well, but doesn't do well in a planer, and I haven't tried routering it.
Eric thanks,
I have a router table, basically a some wood shop , not sure what material I’m gonna use yet . But have to paint everything not sure if Azek can be painted. I have 10 post and the porch is 66 ft in length. I will do more research and maybe I’ll try out the router bit with a few fearther boards see how it works.
Azek paints very well, but you must us a "vinyl safe" paint. Sherwin Williams has a paint formulated for PVC, and it works incredibly well. I use Azek for all my trim work.
I've used Azak on posts but I butt jointed them. Azak shrinks in the winter here in Cincinnati while it goes back to its original size in summer. Yes, I have painted mine with California Fresh Coat, water base, Antique White. It's been ten years and I've painted these posts twice. The seam barley shows but it doesn't bother me. As an alternative I used Boral on my front porch posts which are also painted with the same paint and, also butt jointed. I like it better. Boral doesn't shrink in the winter and so far, 4 years now, the seams are still tight. I suppose I could have used my router table and ended up with a cleaner joint (miter) but that would mean that the cedar 4" x 4" posts would have to be jointed and squared for the Azak or Boral to be attached to. How would I know that the wood wouldn't move a bit? I used glue and SS screws for both solutions. All in all I like Boral better. One other thing; don't drag a garden hose across the corner. It will gouge the Azek and I'm not testing the Boral.
I'm not sure strength will be an issue for dressing up your posts, since they're already doing the work. If you mean a stronger joint, I would count on glue and clamps in a well - fitting joint, which you might find much easier with a simple mitered edge. Unless your posts are manufactured wood just average variance in the dimensions or any twist can play havoc with a lock miter fitting together. You can space the trim away from the post to give yourself a little play, but shimming could be another headache. Still, that's just building.