Father in law driving me nuts

FIL has a deck that has been enclosed to a screened in porch, then a year round room. Here in MI., he never insulated underneth of the deck, now he wants too. The room has skirting all the way around and he just extended the ductwork from his forced air furnace into this room, 16’x16′.
I explored the fiberglass, then sheets of foam, and finally suggested he have it sprayed foam. He got a quote for 5″ of open cell @ $500.00, includes the exposed sheet metal of ductwork and the adjoining foundation wall. I thought that sounded great!!!!
Now the heating contractor that installed the ductwork said, “that’s the old way to do it, don’t do it, I can show you a better way”
What does this guy know that I don’t know???
Am I wrong on my thinking???
I can't imagine what this guy is going to suggest if spray foam is old. I think I would go with the polyurethane spray though. Keep us posted.
Have a good day
So what's the problem? Let the heating guy do the job. End of problem.
So would a sprayed foam be the best choice for this applacation? In your opinion!
Well wait a minute - if he's saying spray foam is the old way, what is the modern solution he is suggesting?
Can't make a decision without all of the information.
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Don't know?????? He will be meeting with my FIL Thursday. Just wanted to get some background info before Thursday.
One insulating contractor didn't want to do the underneath of the deck, he wanted to line the skirting with foam sheets. This didn't seem right, this was a deck at one time. No framework to attach foam too, just alum. skirting.
Just tring to help him out, I am the one that has to hear about it when it dosen't trun out right!!
It would be worthwhile to know if the quote for 5" of foam was for open-cell or closed-cell foam. I'd bet it's open-cell. I think this will be a great choice in terms of preventing air-flow but I don't know if it's rated to be exposed under a deck. As long as it is not in direct contact with the elements it is probably fine. Others may know more.
I assumed closed cell, but I will check it out. The deck is fully enclosed with shirting, no exposure to sun or weather.
I think the contractor was "Retro Foam"
5" of closed-cell will bring you to about R35 or so. That would be sufficient with FG but I expect a little overkill with closed-cell. Even the documentation for Icynene (open-cell) shows air transfer prevention topping out close to 4 inches. For the price, I'd do it either way though. I did my house with Icynene and I love it.
Just tring to help him out,
Well, there is your first mistake... =)
You be the one to supply FIL with all available info. That should be YOUR job. Have him make the decision!
Here's the heating contractors idea.
From the beginning, room is 16x16, built over a old deck, allum. skirting. FIL just had a heating contractor run 2 - 8" flex duct out into the room. Now FIL wants to insulate the floor. Heating guy want to run foam board around the perimeter and seal off the crawl, and then run another duct to heat the crawl. Says spray foam underneath deck is not the way to do it, crawl will be cold.
Keep in mind that all we have is alum. skirting, nothing to attach the foam sheets to.
FIL feel he dosen't have enough air flo out the new ducts as it is now, adding another duct to heat the crawl will reduce volume more, IMO.
Need your thoughts!!!
Doesn't make sense to me to heat the crawl.
You end up with the ground as a heat sink along with heating non-living space.
I hear ya!!
I've been in a heated crawl before - it was nice - not that I would want to do it to my house. Pretty soon all of the rodents in town will find out about it in the winter and that'll be the place to go. Especially if after time gaps start forming from the insulation board not being securely attached to anything.
Heated crawl space?
Lemme guess....by "heating guy", you mean the same guy who delivers his oil, dontcha?
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
You sound like a DIY type of guy not a "pro" so I'll cut you some slack on this one.
All of us "pros" know that the heating guy is he smartest man on the planet site, especially the scorched air guys. Let him install the whole shebang.
Now seriously, what the H~ll is he thinking? If it were on a foundation I think a tempered crawl is good for comfort. But this deck/3 season/4 season room is what it is.
Spray foam will seal it and help keep the in the structure, but it won't heat the floors.
How is the insulation, weather sealing in the rest of the room, what about the windows and doors?
Good luck and be glad it's not your house,
I agree with you 100%!! I like you your term "scorched air", my father was a hydronic heating man, I grew up with hot water heat and still have it.
Spray foam was my choice, I even though it would be an over kill, because it's just a deck with R-13 in the wall and a lot of cheap windows, but still the best choice, IMO.
The room is covered with a thick carpet, not a tile or wood where a warmer floor would be a big plus.
I have told my FIL that I don't want to get involved, you won't be happy with end results. I would not do it that way if it was my house.
My 12 yr old son's name is Garret and we camp every 4th at Burt lake State park. You live in the most beautiful part of the state!!!
Thanks for your comments.
I like your term "scorched air" too. It is always a good way to identify certain folks.