finishing with Olympic stains..need help
9299.1 | |
I am new to using olympic stains which , so far, I like. I have one question about their product called “pearlessence”. Has anyone used this product? I need to know when to apply this finish. I have stained the wood and have applied my first coat of orange shellac. I’m guessing the pearlessence should be applied after the shellac but before my final coats of varnish… Is this right? I cant find this product or application info on their website or even on the can (as far as order of applications). Thanks for the help. |
I have posted in knots but no reply
Although I've never used the product you desrcibe, and If I were in your position, I would call Olympic Stains !-800 line for some technical assistance. The number is probably on the can.
Best I could do you!
...................Iron Helix
I think PPG customer service department may be able to provide some answers. There is nothing on the web as far as I can find. I dont understand why finishing companies go to the trouble to make something without any documentation.
My guess is it would go under the finish coats, but that is a guess.
Lowes had a link to the product, but says it is unavailable online, maybe they have a brochure on it at the store.