I’m remodeling my house and taking out the interior walls in a good part of my house. As a result, I’m seriously short of walls where I can run ductwork. My HVAC person and I agreed that I’d open up the wall and ceiling in one corner of a room so he can run some ducts between the basement and attic, then I’ll frame around it.
Here’s what it looks like from above.
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I’m planning to cut into the subfloor to let him run his ducts, then I think I need to seal the gaps with fire caulk.
But at the top, there will just be open space. What do I need to do so it’s sealed and code-compliant?
I could leave the drywall on the ceiling, but I thought that if I do and then frame new walls around that space, I’ll end up with cracks over time due to wood movement.
You may need a sheet metal firestop at the ceiling. It's a square or rectangle of sheet metal with a hole cut thru it for the duct. The duct fits tightly, barely a gap. Usually those parts are available with the ductwork and your tin man should install it.
Also, there are usually trim kits of various sorts for ducts that go thru the wall or ceiling.