A very old post recently surfaced in this forum and got me to think about mantels.
If you are BUILTING a stone veneered fireplace is it proper, best, right, etc. to attach a mantel to teh underlaying fireplace frame and then run the rock up to it, or should you crib a mantel to the rock?
what looks the most historically accurate to a real full blown stone massonry fireplace?
"what looks the most historically accurate"
Depends a lot on the historical style of the house But remember to check your local code requirements that were not in effect historically
Got it!
But other than that .... what is best practice? Or what do you prefer?
It depends some still on style. Is the masonry exposed to the ceiling or only as high as the mantle? I can do either method equally well
Stone below and above mantle.
How was it done 200 years ago? I would guess they layed stone up to a level, then set a timber on the stone and continued up. Then again, many colonial homes had panelling set infront of the stone or a freestanding mantle and side unit set in front or the stone. SO?????