Fireplace Mantle – synthetic stone ideas
I want to build a fireplace mantel that uses synthetic stones for price, weight and look considerations. I have a sample piece provided by and it feels like the real thing, but is only 1/2″ thick and is hollow inside (looks like a solid piece of stone though). See their picture (attached). However, I have a situation with the fireplace layout and need advice from those who may know a solution to this.
Attached is the actual fireplace with dimensions. The width of the mantel shelf is 66″ wide. However, I need a shelf that extends wider than that because of the front edge of the shelf has to touch the angle walls. At 10″ wide shelf, the width is now 85″ long. Does anyone know who sells this at the width I’m looking for – or another solution to this challenge? I want to stay on the stone side for this mantel. Thx.
Edited 12/23/2007 12:44 am by Streamline
I think I understand what you want to do, and I see the pic of the mantle style you have in mind, but It's a little hard for me to picture a kind of formal and traditional looking mantle that is also angled at a 45 into the corner. I mean - no reason it couldn't be, but it would seem like more of a custom install rather than just a out of the box - a few screws, and "it looks nice" kind of a deal.
BTW - you never really told us (or at least I didn't see it) is this a new house that is still under construction? Not to be a smart azz but if it is new and under construction don't you think you should have worked this stuff out more around framing stage?
If the mantel shelf was long enough, I could cut it short to the angle of the walls. But turned out the mfg only make them about 15" shorter than I need. I originally was going to build a mantelwith wood, but once I saw the milestone products, I changed my design. This happens in construction.
Call a countertop manufacturer, one that does stone tops (granite). they will template and make what ever size you want. Woods favorite carpenter
>> I originally was going to build a mantelwith wood, but once I saw the milestone products, I changed my design. This happens in construction. <<
good point - I always get POed when I'm building a house for someone and they change their mind stream, but when I'm building a house for me it's a work in progress :-) and everythign is cool :-) (except the budget...)
I agree though, that looks like a very nice product. What do you think it would look like just mounted on the 45 degree wall as is?
Q to all: Is there a specific style(s) of architecture that those overmantles are appropiate for? Were they used during a specific period?
Tell this guy how to mix up his own brew and cast it.
concrete.... you really can cast this out of concrete and it'll look as good as the ones you show pictured...
i use white portland and white fine sand... i buy it as "golf course sand"
cast in as many parts as you need... you can use many things for your mold... which you'll have to build... the top 85" long part... if you cast it 4" thick you can pack your mold with your concrete mix and some wire to reinforce it... then place a 2" thick board of rigid foram in your mold and then top off with more concrete and wire... it'll still be heavy but not like it was all concrete...
look up on the net concrete counter tops... for how to make a mold ect... lots of info out there and you'll be doing it the same way... i'm guess'n i could build it for less than $200 in materials... but the first one would take alot of time... building a second one if you build your molds well would take 10% of the time of the first...
I just finished a project with a faux stone product and it was a lot of fun to work with . I found it online at faux panels .com .they also carry mantels. you might check them out.
Susan, do you have a link to the faux panel ( didn't do it). I would love to mould my own, but don't have the experience or time to take this one on.
try faux
I think your missing the s on the end.. its