We’re looking to have a couple of oak floors refinished for the tenants. Time is an issue and I have no desire to mess with the equipment at this point, so we’re probably going to sub this out.
One of the floors has some kind of an oil stain on the floor and a salesman from one of the flooring refinishers said they could stain the floor by putting a stain directly into the poly. (I may just take out the Multimaster and remove those boards.)
This stain in the poly is new to me. Has anyone ever heard of it? One of the other companies that I called doubled the price when I mentioned stain. They refused to even discuss stain unless it went down on the wood.
By the way, what’s “normal” as far as the number of coats? Everybody seems to be talking 2 coats of oil.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations – New Construction – Rentals
A stain in the finish is called a glaze.