I have a 40+ yr old house. 2 x 4 wall w/fiberglass and vapour barrier, exterior drywall and wood panel siding (4 x 8 sheets) The weather side is looking grim. I would like to add new wood siding (4 x 8 sheets again) over the old and considered adding foam insulation while I’m at it. Any words of wisdom? Will this affect my vapour barrier?
Also, as this is a walk out basement, I want to cover the exposed concrete wall at the same time. Creating a continuous wood siding wall.
Greetings David,
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This is not that unusual. It has been done with lap siding.
Never heard of it being down with sheet siding. Don't know why not.
But I will let other with more knowledge give a more detailed reply.
But I am wondering if you have through of using Hardi instead of plywood?
William the Geezer, the sequel to Billy the Kid - Shoe
You can do this. Not significantly different than putting plastic or aluminum siding over the old.
You need to make sure that all of the areas where water might enter are carefully detailed to prevent that, and preferably put a water barrier behind the new siding. Hopefully there are sizeable overhangs where the walls meet the roof. if not, there's one issue to deal with.
Another is your windows. You need to make sure they are flashed right and that they are accessible for repairs, etc.
I won't get into the vapor barrier issue, leave that up to others. But, what VB is there now? How was it installed? Where is the house located?
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New construction - Rentals