I can see why contracrtors not making any money, the subs are stealing them blind.
had a talk with the block mason today. For a block house with 1875 block, he wants $3.25 a block. I furnish two laborer and all material.
Looks like I,m going to learn how to lay block.
keep looking jb. I get it done in ohio for bout two and a quarter- that's labor and materials- 8 inch block, parging, durobond every third course, weeps , anchor bolts 4'o.c., #6 rebar every 2' o.c. I fill all cores myself and with the concrete pump and material I'm still under that figure...
better ways to spend your time than learning to lay block...
*What's to learn?
*Durabond??????????????????? How about durawall? Geez, I tell ya.
*Isn't labor usually $1.00 a block os so? Dougs rates seem more the norm. Jeff
*keith- ....iceburg... goldberg... whatsa difference?lol
*Doug, That's your joke?........man, your good. I still laugh.
*Jonie...Lay the block yourself if you are providing the labor...You will do a good job but it will take you three times longer if you are as slow as I was the first time a mason didn't show.near the stream,aj
*not my joke cal-heard it bout a thousand years ago- still chuckle over it...
*No Johnnie, they aren't stealing the builders blind, they are attempting to get the price that they need from you. I suspect that your conditions aren't ideal for a contractor to come in and make a buck. blue
*Actually Johnnie- I would guess the mason has more than enough work and is pricing the job high thinking if you are foolish enough to take it he can make the time to take your money. Blue's got a point too. Lotta people charge more for one time jobs. (Lotta people have forgotten what its like to be hungry for work)good luck
*It's easier to work for a builder. There's alot of time to invest in training a home owner how to have a house built, especially if you're the first guy on the site. That time costs money. That aggravation costs money.
*I have notice that in this town, that a certain labor group does not like working for the man, and choice to work in an cash only with no paperwork or quality guarantee deals. yes, you are right about a shortage of any mason moreless good ones. I figure $1.00-$150 a block weekend work, they jump, but they act like I,m doing they a favor to pay $3.00 a block. Its seem like it is hard to find good labor in this town, with so many that rather work for the government monthly checks. And those that are good the large contractors keep them tied to the job with benefits and 40 hours, so they do not want the extra money. Those that you do find are in the same class as used car salemen here.I,m not in no big hurry to build. I might just lay my own block. What could be hard about it. If these middle school drop out can do it anybody can. That was a joke.
*johnny- Since when are builders the only ones that use money?.Good luck on learnin' to lay block....try learnin' the trade first....makes the block layin' a helluva lot easier, that is if ya have 10 yrs (at the minimum) to spare. Stealing? I invite you to build your own foundation....your back will know the difference between stealing and earning...in the meantime, quit yer snivellin' or try buildin' without a foundation...... Lovingly, Jon
I can see why contracrtors not making any money, the subs are stealing them blind.
had a talk with the block mason today. For a block house with 1875 block, he wants $3.25 a block. I furnish two laborer and all material.
Looks like I,m going to learn how to lay block.