I am working with a new Hitachi framing nailer, and have found it almost “scary” in it’s power. I must admit, it’s my first framer, but I have had several other finishers. This gun throws out sparks and debris when I fire it, and typically beats the you know what out of the plywood or splits the studs I am using it on. I have tried setting the depth adjustment, turning down the air pressure, but it doesn’t seem to change. Anyone have any advice??
is it the new one with the pretty paint?
Not sure which one you mean, but this it the Hitachi (it's greenish) Framer, the one that shoots 16d commons.
when you say 16d commons, I think of 3.5", .131+ dia (or larger) nails. Is this really what you meant? Most people frame with smaller nails, say 3.25 x .120, or even 3 x .120 which might be called 12p, 10p or 16p shorts, and 8s for plywood. Matt
So, what meets code for a 16? a 3.25 by .131? What is the smallest nial you can you for framing and meet code 3 by .131? Or is this a local thing?
>> So, what meets code << Building codes are on a state wide bases. Then you have Canada, and a bunch of other countries too. So, I have no idea what "meets code" for you, since I have no idea of where you live, and only know about codes for a few US states - mostly 1. In NC we use the IRC, or at least a modified version of it, and the nail requirements are somewhat complicated. Generally though, if you are nailing 2 flat 2bys together to make a double, 10d nails are accepted. An example would be a jack and a king stud nailed together. If face nailing, like a stud to a plate, 16d are required. The IRC doesn't rate the fasteners in nail gun type lingo. Here is the link to what NC uses: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/NC%20Residential%20Code/part00382/chapter00738/section%20head00743/section00747.htm/subsection00751.htm?f=templates$fn=main-nf.htm$3.0#JD_TableR602.3(1)
The reality of it is that I've never seen a professional framer use anything but 10p sized nails, or maybe occasionally 12s (8s for sheathing) and have never heard of anyone failing an inspection due to nail size, other than for joist hanger nails. Maybe it is different in high wind areas - don't know. Now someone is gonna chime in that "I build my whole house using 16p hand drives - and it only took me 4 months to frame... and I screwed down all the sheathing" :-)
Now - go do some homework and tell us what "meets code" in your state. Matt
We built our last house with 16d hand-drives and screwed the sheathing with a Phillips screwdriver.As you've said, everything gets nailed with 10s or 12s with a couple exceptions. A LVL specified with hand-drive or nail gun 16d's or hangers,etc.
I didn't do it....the buck does NOT stop here.
You were supposed to put a smiley face after that first statment... :-)
Any idea as to where would I find info for NY? Thanks
No. Sorry I don't. Start by finding out (locally) where to get a building code book. Maybe it is even on line - like the NC link I posted.
Edited 3/22/2005 3:17 am ET by DIRISHINME
What does it shoot for nails? The futuristic green one shoots clipped head. What air pressure are you running? And what material are you shooting it into?
Is it any one of these guns?
Joe Carola
Edited 3/12/2005 9:55 pm ET by Framer
I clicked on the web address in your post and got a page stating that there was a bug in my browser - "Your Web browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/125.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/125.12." So I tried it again - same result.So I fired up IE and tried it that way. Same result, dif browser. "Your Web browser is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.23; Mac_PowerPC." Anyone know why. Two dif browsers. A bug in each of them??!!FKidbuilder - Sounds like your regulator isn't working properly. Can you test your gun out with someone elses compressor?F
Edited 3/12/2005 5:45 pm ET by Frankie
I don't know why they word it like that. I don't think that is realy a browser issue, as such.I have had that before from Amazon.The best that I can tell is that is was from pages that where generated dyamically from thing such as searches.There is no fixed address for those pages and they don't know what was used to generate that. It might have been from cookies that where stored in the computer and it asked for them and could not get them.
Interesting that you would mention cookies. I just dumped mine before I signed on tonight. Hmmmm.F
It's the Hitachi Full Round Head Framer that shoots up to full 16d commons (3 1/2"). I have been trying it framing 2x studs as well as with 8d nails for nailing off 1/2" CDX sheer walls. It just seems to be "blasting" everything!
Trying to figure out if there is a problem or I just need more practice.
first of all read the manual,second make sure your regulator is set to the proper setting for each use and third you can control the depth , with the old hitachi like i have you need a tool but i beleive the newer one has a toolless depth adjustment. then go frame your butt off.tyke
Just another day in paradise
The only Hitachi that shoots full round head and shoots 3 1/2's is the NR90AC, the NR83 only goes to 3 1/4 and everything else is clipped. That NR90AC has a depth of drive, use that and keep the psi on the compressor at 90 to 95. Any framer is going to have a lot more power than a finish nailer, the finish nailer only shoot something like 400 lbs where the framers are at 800 plus. Just get used to it and you be fine.
im pretty sure they made a new model nr83a or nr832a or something
Just another day in paradise
Yeah, they make newer Nr83's but they only go up to 12d, 3 1/4" nails. They are the same gun except for the depth of drive on the newer ones.
oh yeah now its coming back
Just another day in paradise
And they also got rid of that rediculous black wrap around the handle. You know, the one that would stay on for like two weeks before it started to unravel? It's not much, but that black rubber grip is much better.
It would not have anything to do with your cookies (unless you tried to put then in the slot for the card read <G>).But rather the cookies that where used when the page was first generated. Those where on who ever computer that pasted that in the first place.But even he would probably get the same message as they where only valide for that season.
What size nails are you using? Maybe the nails are too big for the work you are using. Are you framing a room or extension? Maybe you should be using a coil siding nailer if your not going into 2 X lumber. Most nailers work off of 90 PSI., so lowering pressure may not help you. Give us some more information on the type of work your doing, and maybe we can pinpoint the problem.
it shoots sparks because it's new and it's boring out its own little path for the nails.most people i have talked to who have only used finish guns were very impressed with the power of a framer.blast away!
what's the problem? framing is all about beating the heck out of something.
Man, you summed up my crew so succinctly!!!hahahahahahah