I am installing french drains on the interior of my basement and had 2 questions. What is the difference between the corrugated pipe verse the PVC? Is one better than the other? If PVC is preferred, do the holes face up. And my second questions is what is the slope?
Your answers are appreciated.
The difference between the 2 pipes is negligeble. If using the pvc with the large holes, the holes go down. The readson is 2 fold. First, when the gravel is layed over the pipe before the concterte is poured it canb work its way into the holes & slow the drainage. Second, water in the trench will be rising (water seeking it's own level)not falling.
As for the slope, as long as it runs from a high point to a sump pump & crock at a low point the grde is not critical.
*Agree with everything Rob said with a few additions:If the drain tail can be day-lighted so much the better. In otherwords, rather than using a sump pump the end of the drain pipe(s) is/are drain(ed) to an open air outlet. If this is the case, I recommend that the portion of the drain tail that is near the surface be PVC rather than black ABS as it will not crush as easily due to vehicular traffic, etc.Also, plan on using some kind of filter fabric to cover the gravel to prevent sand, silt and other small particle matter from migrating into the drain tile and eventually clogging it.Use the Breaktime b search function to find several previous discussions of foundation drain systems. Use i french drainori drain tileas your key words.
*And an addition to Matt:If you do daylight the openoining don't forget to screen the opening of the pipe with hardware cloth or some other such material. Vermin can & will climb in & occasionally die/get stuck. It also prevents kids from finding out what a cool sound M-80's make when they go off in there.
I am installing french drains on the interior of my basement and had 2 questions. What is the difference between the corrugated pipe verse the PVC? Is one better than the other? If PVC is preferred, do the holes face up. And my second questions is what is the slope?
Your answers are appreciated.