Been using my PC router all morning no problem… Suddenly I can’t get the collet nut loose. Isn’t crossthreaded, I don’t remove it to change bits, just loosen a bit. I’m bending the wrenches and still won’t budge. Any suggestions, or should I get out the Dremel and cut the nut off? (Will make the day rather unproductive…)
Got it.... used a big frikking wrench and a piece of pipe. Guess I'll find some anti seize compound around here...
Just don't get any never-sieze on the bit shaft ! Sucker will walk out on you.
Yeah. I've been pondering whether I really want to take a chance... ;)
If you could apply some "judicious" heat to the nut, so it and only it expands, that might help--maybe with a soldering iron?
Tried a torch carefully... I think that helped. Sucker was reallllllyyyyyyyyy frozen. All fixee up and back to routing rails and stiles ;)
A drop of oil on the threads, then spin the collet on and off a few times, repeat every now and then when you're feeling less productive at work and have the sudden urge to maintain tools.
Yep. I do that every time I change a bit. Drop of erl, and scan the collet fer cracking.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
.."repeat every now and then when you're feeling less productive at work and have the sudden urge to maintain tools."
Hey, you do that too???!!!! Seems we do that when we're really not into the job, or been banging our heads against the wall on something. Hmmmm......I think I need to tune up the table saw (the table saw probably should have been tuned up weeks ago.
What are all you guys doing posting on breaktime in the middle of the day????Shouldn't you be out doing something productive. Im home sick......with just barely enough strength to be on breaktime.
m2akitaLive by the sword, die by the sword....but choose your sword wisely.
I've got a handful of tax returns due. It was raining its azz off this morning so I started on those. Now the sun's out.
I was trying to ignore all the bookwork I have to do. Also, making up for the Saturday, and Sunday I'll be working this week.--------------------------
It's only satisfying if you eat it.
I lost the whole week, Rain, bunged up ankle, grandson being out of the oven, 2 vehicles that wont operate, dog got into a skunk..the list is endless
I really hope Feb. is kinder month than this one has been.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
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I really hope Feb. is kinder month than this one has been.
Well at least it'll be shorter!
With my D handle Makita I always have to lock one wrench against the table support and hit the other with a hammer.