I’m getting ready to hand synthetic 1×6 fascia board on my house. This will
be used to mount the gutters as well? Any issues with non-wood fascia behind
gutters? Also, I need to fur the fascia out in order to cover the siding corner boards. I
was going to use 1/2″ sheathing. Doesn’t seem like it should get wet, but thought I’d
ask what folks here normally do. Opinions welcome.
No problem, and no problem.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
Any issues with non-wood fascia behind gutters?
Not as long as you hit the rafter tails (or subfascia if there is one) with your hangers. I'm not sure I'd trust synthetics (you didn't specify which type) with holding up a gutter full of water.
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