good deal alert 15 ga finish nails
I was at the local home despot for a door stop and found boxes of stanley bostich 15ga, angled 1.5 inch nails yellow tagged at 21.99, and it was 50% off of that…. about a 5lb box… too bad it turns out that they dont fit the finish nailer I just got… (hitachi 65ma2…)
Sounds like you bought your door stop! I've got the Bostitch gun, I'll take a look this Saturday to see if the local HD has them. Thanks,
thats a cool gun though eh? i just got one reecently too. they weight about as much as 1/2 of a finish hammer too!
--> measure once / scribble several lines / spend some time figuring out wich scribble / cut the wrong line / get mad
I do need to get some nail gun oil for it though, can I sue any nail gun oil or do I need to find hitachi oil....
(in the extra bonus department, I opened the case and found close to1000 1.5 inch galv finish nails....)
any nail gun oil is fine.______________________________________________
--> measure once / scribble several lines / spend some time figuring out wich scribble / cut the wrong line / get mad