A thread about good deals.
I just came back with one.
Actually more of a Tarzan deal. One that kinda makes you want to run thru the jungle yelling a loud primal scream coupled with an occasional Roar and grunts, with a crouching muscle flexed he-man pose thrown in.
Doublely good deal in that it’s something you really needed at the moment.
Fella ran an ad in the paper for it cause he’d changed his plans and didn’t need it anymore. A $50 limit on the special costs classified ads in the local newspaper. Said he’d bought it at auction for $80.
So $50 bought me six 6″x36″ lengths, four 6″elbows and four 6″ tees of new 26ga. stainless steel stovepipe for the woodstove going in the basement.
Better late than never as it finally started snowing today.
I like it when that happens.
be a tarzan